Arlington, VA — The son of Democrat Congressman Jim Moran has resigned from his position with his father’s reelection campaign after being caught on tape allegedly orchestrating vote fraud.
Patrick Moran, who was field director for the Moran for Congress campaign, resigned almost immediately after the latest James O’Keefe video surfaced. O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has been filming a series of undercover videos exposing the almost criminally primitive and lax ballot procedures in the US.
On the video (see below), Moran allegedly tried to help O’Keefe’s undercover reporter in committing vote fraud in the name of about 100 voters who were unlikely to actually show up at the polls. Although Patrick Moran originally says that it makes more sense to get the actual people to their polling place, he apparently goes on to give the reporter advice on how the fraud could be carried out.
As the National Review explains, “The scheme involved forging utility bills that would satisfy Virginia’s voter-ID law and then rely on the assistance of Democratic lawyers stationed at the polls to make sure the votes were counted.”
Virgina has a new photo ID law, but the measure also allows for alternative means of identification, such as utility bills, which could be used by unscrupulous individuals to circumvent the state law.
Pennsylvania and South Carolina have also enacted photo ID laws this year but the courts have ruled that the legislation will go into effect only after the upcoming presidential election.
Representative Moran, who represents Virginia’s 8th Congressional District and has been in office since 1991, issued the following statement according to Politico :
“Patrick is well-liked and was a well-respected member of the campaign team. This incident, however, was clearly an error in judgment. The campaign has accepted Patrick’s resignation, effective immediately.”
Patrick Moran subsequently sent an email, according to Politico , indicating that he was just “humoring” O’Keefe’s reporter and that “at no point have I, or will I ever endorse any sort of illegal or unethical behavior.” Like the fired Obama Houston regional field director , on the video Moran seems to treat the subject of vote fraud as a laughing matter, however.
Watch the James O’Keefe video with Patrick Moran that also purports to contains the raw, unedited footage involving potential vote fraud in Virginia: