Back in 2014, Natsuya Semikawa created a new light novel about a bar linked to another world. It is known as Isekai Izakaya “Nobu,” which translates to English as Alternate World Bar “Nobu.” Apparently, the light novel is so popular that it was confirmed to be made into an anime.
According to an article by Japanese news outlet Otakomu ,through a translation by the Anime News Network , they report that Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” is in the process of becoming an anime . The official announcement came about through the official Twitter account of Takarajimasha Inc., the light novel’s publisher, when they announced the second light novel in the series. The anime adaption announcement is technically on the wrap-around jacket band on the second light novel volume’s reprint, as shown in the image tweet below.
— ?????????????? (@konorano_jp) November 24, 2016
Translated, it reveals that the second light novel in the series, which is given the sub-title “Two Eyes,” will be released on Saturday, December 3. However, the translation also reveals that there is an “animated project in progress.” Given the fact the anime adaption was just recently revealed, there is very little, to no other details revealed.
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For those unfamiliar with the light novel series Isekai Izakaya “Nobu , “ it is a series centered on a bar called “Nobu” that is located in the heart of Kyoto, Japan. What is unique about “Nobu” is that its door is connected to another world. Visitors — both in the primary world and denizens from the other world — seek out “Nobu” to enjoy its excellent beer, Toriazu Nama, as well as its cuisine.
As for the series itself, the light novel series may have made its debut back in 2014, but Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” was first introduced by Natsuya Semikawa on the Sh?setsu-ka ni Narou (Let’s Be Novelists) website back in 2012. The series was a huge hit among its readers and won the website’s “Ni Narou Con Taish?” contest award.
Fast forward two years, and Semikawa published his story in print with illustrations provided by Kururi. There are four volumes in print, with the latest volume released back in December of 2015. Right now, Natsuya Semikawa is busy reprinting the four volumes in a bunkobon pocket paperback format with some added material for his fans. It should also be noted there is also a manga version of Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” too. Virginia Nit?hei created the adaption and had it published in Kadokawa’s Young Ace magazine back in July of 2015. A second compiled book volume was released by Kadokawa earlier this year on July 4.
We will report any new information about the anime adaption of Isekai Izakaya “Nobu” as it becomes available. However, we can clearly say it continues the trend of fantasy foodie adaptions , as detailed in an article by Crunchyroll. Other animes that were based off of manga and light novels centered on food include Toriko and Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma .
[Featured Image by Takarajimasha Inc.]