As the premiere of the new season of Sister Wives on TLC draws near, the Sister Wives spoilers are coming out of the woodwork. And the latest round suggests that Christine Brown, one of the four wives of Kody Brown, wants to rip out Robyn Brown’s eyes!
Warning: this post contains spoilers. Please do not read this post if you do not wish to read Sister Wives spoilers.
According to iTechPost’s latest round of Sister Wives spoilers , the rivalry between the two women stems from the fact that Robyn, who is the only legal wife of Kody Brown, recently gave birth to a baby girl. The arrival of this bundle of joy caused a lot of drama between the women, since they, too, wanted a baby of their own by Kody. Of all the wives, Christine took the baby’s arrival the hardest, and started calling Robyn “insane.”
It is sunset season in Las Vegas. One of the “silver linings” in my exile.
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) November 13, 2016
And this goes exactly against the previous reports that the wives were all getting along, but that’s what family friend Kendra Pollard is for: to debunk all the happy myths about the Brown family. What a good friend!
You have a few hours left to help stop bullying. Stand with us, show us your orange! #UnityDay2016 #GiveALittleTLC @TLC
— Christine Brown (@rosecolored6) October 20, 2016
But Kendra Pollard isn’t quite done talking to the press, according to International Business Times’ latest round of Sister Wives spoilers. The family friend spoke to the outlet and wasn’t afraid to tell them exactly how Christine feels about the other wives , especially Robyn.
Said Kendra:
“Christine really wants to rip Robyn’s eyes out. She thinks Robyn is obnoxious, spoiled and a home wrecker.”
Kendra also suggested that Christine may be the next one out the door, in terms of the relationship. Robyn is already rumored to be filing for divorce from Kody, Christine would like to leave, and another “wife” is already supporting charities that help women get out of polygamous marriages. That doesn’t sound like “one big happy family” to us! And given that Kody is already in financial distress, it should be interesting to see how his finances continue to deteriorate as his relationships fall apart.
We didn’t vote for the same person but yet she & I sat up & watched the election together, said I love you and g’night. @AspynBrown
— Robyn Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) November 9, 2016
But that doesn’t seem to be enough for Kody! In fact, the latest round of Sister Wives spoilers from Gamenguide suggest that if the four wives leave, no matter by which way, Kody has every intention of bringing in two new wives to the fold. How many wives does a man need?
Gamenguide further suggests that the reason Kody wants to add two more wives isn’t because he loves them, but because he will do anything to keep the show on the air. And while he certainly has his hands full with 18 children and four wives, he won’t mind taking on more if it means better ratings, keeping the show on the air, more drama, and more money!
The newest season of Sister Wives will premiere in two weeks on TLC. Check your local listings for the time and the channel.
Sharing some #LuLaLove with my friend @LulaRoeMaile at #LuLaRoe #VegasInspire
— Meri Brown (@MeriBrown1) October 5, 2016
What do you think of this latest round of Sister Wives spoilers? Will you be watching the season premiere?
This kid is home from Basic Training in 1 week! So excited I can’t stand it! Counting the days ????
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) November 10, 2016
We’ll keep you apprised of all the latest Sister Wives spoilers as they become known to us, but for now, leave your thoughts about these latest ones in the comments below!
[Featured Image by TLC]