The next step for President-elect Donald Trump is to assemble a cabinet, and the list of people being considered have been leaked. On the list is former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who has not been shy about her ambitions to get a position in the Trump White House. The current word is that Sarah Palin is being considered for Secretary of the Interior.
But Sarah Palin comes with a great deal of baggage , says the Inquisitr. During her run for vice president on the McCain ticket, a great deal was made of her lack of knowledge of world politics. Also, Palin’s family came under scrutiny as there were several arrests, including two for Palin’s son, Track. Track was charged with domestic assault, and possessing a firearm while intoxicated. When the police came to the Palin home (Track moved back in with his mother after his divorce), Track Palin threatened to kill himself with his automatic weapon.
The Independent Journal Review got their hands on a list of possible cabinet choices that was leaked the day after the election. On that list was Alaska’s Sarah Palin. Some are saying that the list was leaked to vet certain individuals in the court of public opinion. But in the category of Secretary of the Interior, there was Sarah Palin.
- Interior Secretary: Former governor Sarah Palin, former governor Jan Brewer, Governor Mary Fallin, Energy Executive Forrest Lucas
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The Daily Caller says that social media is going wild with the prospect of Sarah Palin finally making her way into the Washington power structure with a cabinet position. Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has already shared her thoughts of what she would do in the position.
“If I were head of that, I’d get rid of it. Abolishing the department [of energy] would give states greater control of energy policy within their borders.”
Palin said she would commit to moving the United States away from foreign forms of oil and gas, and towards exclusively domestic energy.
After Sarah Palin threw her support behind Donald Trump, citizens will see if he comes through with his promise to find her a place in a Trump White House, says the International Business Times . Trump was very pleased in January when Palin supported him over the field of Republican candidates.
“It’s such an honor, because, as you know, very badly, so many people are so disappointed that she didn’t support them. But certainly, there’d be a role in my administration, if she wanted, and I’m not sure that she does want that, but there’d certainly be a role.”
But Sarah Palin is interested, and she has created a platform to telegraph her desire for a particular position. With Alaska and the pipeline, it is clear that Palin at least knows the terrain of her home state of Alaska.
“Energy is my baby. Oil and gas and minerals — those things that God has dumped on this part of the earth for mankind’s use instead of us relying on unkind foreign nations for us to import their resources.”
Sarah Palin still has not backed off of her battle cry from the 2008 presidential election, where she yelled “Drill Baby Drill!” Palin was all for off-shore drilling, and using all of the natural resources America has to eliminate our reliance on foreign oil.
Do you think Sarah Palin would be good for a Trump cabinet?
[Featured Image by Darren Hauck/Getty Images]