Missouri Reverend’s Speech On Gay Marriage Ends With Twist [Video]

Gay rights are a big point of contention between liberals and conservatives, even playing a role in this year’s election as states like Washington consider measures to allow gay marriage. However, a speech by a pastor in Missouri may have just turned the tide in how conservatives view the issue.

Reverend Phil Snider with the Brentwood Christian Church in Springfield City, Missouri, spoke during a public hearing regarding amending the city’s nondiscrimination ordinance, reports Gawker.

The council was considering including sexual orientation and gender identity protections to the bill, which would make discriminating a member of the LGBT community for their sexual orientation an offense.

Reverend Snider’s argument began by saying:

“Any accurate reading of the Bible should make it clear that gay rights goes against the plain truth of the word of God. As one preacher warns, man in overstepping the boundary lines God has drawn by making special rights for gays and lesbians has taken another step in the direction of inviting the judgment of God upon our land.”

The Missouri pastor then elaborates on how the council would be “inviting the judgement of God upon our land” by making “special rights for gays and lesbians.”

Truth Dig notes that Snider then went on to condemn the council, saying that “this step of gay rights is but another steppingstone toward the immorality and lawlessness that will be characteristic of the last days.”

He continued on in this respect for a little over two minutes, before suddenly saying, “The right of segregation.” He stumbled over the words once more, before apologizing, saying that he appeared to have brought the wrong notes for the night.

Then, something completely unexpected happened. Check out the video below to see the rest of Reverend Phil Snider’s speech about gay rights in Missouri.

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