After much speculation, Michael Keaton has signed on to play The Vulture in the upcoming Spider-Man Homecoming movie. According to comic book legend, The Vulture is an alias used by electronics engineer Adrian Toomes who has invented a crazy suit that allows him to fly and also gives him enhanced strength. Unfortunately, he turns to the dark side when he is double-crossed by his business partner, something that happens a lot in superhero stories. According to the L.A. Times , Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige couldn’t be happier about the news.
“We’ve had a wish list, and most of them in the near-term are coming together,” says Feige.
“Cate Blanchett is playing Hela in Thor: Ragnarok . Michael Keaton’s Vulture in Spider-Man is something. And of course, finally, we’re showcasing Josh Brolin’s Thanos [in Avengers: Infinity War ]. We’re looking forward to that very much.”
Meanwhile, Tom Holland has signed on to appear as the web-slinger for at least five more times for a total of six. His first appearance, of course, was in last summer’s Captain America: Civil War . He is expected to appear in three solo Spider-Man movies as well as two more group adventures.
“I went ballistic,” says Holland when he found out that he had been chosen to play Spider-Man. Unfortunately, he had found out about the new gig via Marvel’s Instagram post rather than a phone call.
“I was in my bed scrolling through Instagram. Marvel just posted a photo saying go to our website to find out who the next Spider-Man is. I went on the Marvel website on my computer and there it was: The new Spider-Man is Tom Holland. I went ballistic, like absolutely nuts.”
Many feel that Holland is perfect for the role and apparently, so does he as he is an avid Spider-Man fan.
“It’s so lucky because I’ve got five movies that I can draw from. I watched every single one years before I even got cast in this movie. And then we watched them all again and just picked little things that I thought was great and that I’d like to keep.”
Spider-Man: Homecoming is slated to appear in theaters on July 7, 2017. The story is said to take place while Peter Parker is a sophomore in high school. The follow-up films are planned to take place when the character is a junior and then senior. In addition to Michael Keaton, the next film is also starring Robert Downey Jr., Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, and Jon Favreau.
Next Gen 2016: Exclusive Portraits of ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Stars Zendaya and Tom Holland via @thr
— Tom Holland News (@THollandNews) November 9, 2016
There has been much speculation on just what character Zendaya will be playing in the upcoming film. Many wonder if she just might be the next Mary Jane Watson. And while Zendaya was not ready to confirm her character’s identity just yet to the Hollywood Reporter , she did state that she will not be a romantic interest and will appear to be “very dry, awkward and intellectual because she’s so smart. She just feels like she doesn’t need to talk to people, like, ‘My brain is so far ahead of you that you’re just not really on my level.’ So she comes off very weird. But to me, she is very cool because she’s deep. She’s always thinking about something, always reading.”
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Some fans are upset by the possibility that Mary Jane could be played by someone other than a redhead.
“People are going to react over anything,” says Zendaya.
“Whenever we were on set, one of us gets some random character name [on the call sheet]. [Bloggers were] like, ‘Oh they must be so and so.’ And we just crack up about it, because it’s like, ‘Whatever you want to think. You’ll find out.’ It’s funny to watch the guessing game.”
[Featured Image by Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images]