Excited for One Punch Man Season 2 and the launch of the mobile app? While we wait, why not try these One Punch Man games to remind you how awesome Saitama is?
One Punch Man easily became a hit in 2012, when the original manga, the One Punch Man webcomic, became viral and hit over 7.9 million hits overnight. Not long after, One Punch Man was adapted into an anime by Madhouse and it aired in Japan from October to December 2015. One Punch Man has become such a success that last July, One Punch Man got its English dub and earned a spot in Adult Swim’s Toonami block, Nerd Span reports.
Just in time for One Punch Man wrapping up its English dub-run on Toonami, Anime News Network reports that One Punch Man Season 2 has been confirmed. It’s been a while since One Punch Man has been getting rumors of a Season 2 and it’s only high time that creators of the anime series confirm this news. It’s been announced last October 23 at the One Punch Man Fall Festival event that the season 2 of One Punch Man is already in the works.
??9/25????????????TV????????????2??????????????????????????????????????????????????? https://t.co/ZEx0x1ZFAM #onepunchman pic.twitter.com/f2nsdijGxY
— TV????????????? (@opm_anime) September 25, 2016
In fact, alongside the Season 2 release, the staff also announced that One Punch Man will be getting its smartphone app next year. With One Punch Man gaining worldwide following, a mobile app will surely rake in more publicity (and maybe even more money) for the series.
But what could be an apt mobile game for One Punch Man? Games adapted from superhero stories would usually follow the story line of what it was based from, and feature leveling up mechanics as the player goes along the story. But One Punch Man does not necessarily follow the traditional superhero formula so a leveling up game system is surely not the best game mechanics for the franchise since everything is basically just one punch for Saitama. Maybe we can expect the upcoming One Punch Man mobile app to be a visual novel, which features the same world but explores a different story line, or an entirely random arcade game only featuring the elements from the franchise (think Frozen Bejeweled or Disney Crossy Road).
https://t.co/1mWYL8VJCo ??????: #threezerojp #?????? #onepunchman pic.twitter.com/bPjiq3RfZR
— threezero_news_japan (@threezero_nwsjp) November 3, 2016
As of now, no new information has been revealed pertaining to the Season 2 of One Punch Man nor the mobile app, except for that the launch date will be sometime next year. So as we wait for more updates on that front, we’ve scoured some One Punch Man -inspired games that can amuse you for the mean time.
One of the earliest One Punch Man- inspired games we’ve seen is this One Punch Man game over at Scirra Arcade . Created by cademan in December 2015, the game information reads as follows.
“Just as One Punch Man is a spoof of action anime, this game is that same spoof translated to having Saitama in a fighting game. It’s a short game and has bugs but it’s just a proof of concept. If you put Saitama in a fighting game, this is what you would get.”
Basically, you play as Saitama and you one-punch your way out of the enemy death sprites. We won’t spoil the ending for you since it’s a very short game but it’s a game that speaks for itself: this is literally how a fighting game would look like if you placed Saitama in it.
— One Punch Man ?????? (@_OnePunchMan) October 31, 2016
And speaking of fighting games with Saitama in it, below is a video of “what actually really happens when you play the One Punch Man video game with your friends.” The answer? Not so much.
Another short and sweet One Punch Man- inspired game is One Punch Arena. One Punch Arena was created by ManHandle and published on Scratch, a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, where millions of creative projects have already been shared.
Use the mouse to move, left click to dash, and press the spacebar to punch. With a boss fight at the end, it’s a pretty decent take on the One Punch Man idea.
And if you’re thinking of a totally unrelated arcade game, then you might enjoy this simple 2048 game One Punch Man -style . If you’ve played 2048 before (who hasn’t?), it’s basically the same 4×4 grid featuring the same mechanics, only this time with One Punch Man illustrations on the squares instead of just numbers.
Interestingly, it’s pretty challenging compared to the vanilla 2048 because the numbers aren’t as visible as in the original game, which will significantly delay your response time. You’ll get used to the faces over time as you play along and with that One Punch Man OST playing in the background, it’ll take a while before you tire of the game.
Oh and if you’re a Fallout 4 fan as well, check out this amazing Fallout 4- One Punch Man crossover by EzPlays . EzPlays basically re-enacts the final battle between One Punch Man Saitama and Lord Boros using Fallout 4 mods and it’s beyond words. If you’re running your own Fallout 4 maybe you should try it, too!
[Featured Image by Yuusuke Murata ]