Actress/progressive activist Susan Sarandon accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of being “completely corrupt” during a TV interview with CNN’s Carol Costello on Thursday.
Sarandon endorsed Green Party candidate Jill Stein earlier this week in a letter posted to the Jill2016 website. “Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption,” Sarandon wrote, in part.
A former Bernie Sanders supporter, Sarandon has criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for her close ties to corporations and the big banks, voting for the Iraq War, and supporting fracking, among other issues.
When Costello asked Sarandon if she was supporting Jill Stein simply because she is the Green candidate, Sarandon (who is known for her environmental advocacy) talked about the big picture.
“I wanted to vote for somebody who, in some way, is concerned about the things that concern me. After my experience in the primary, it’s very clear to me that the DNC — and also reading the emails — that the DNC is gone, and we need a progressive party, and so if [Stein] can get five percent the next time ’round, that means we could have a really viable third party.”
The Real Clear Politics national poll aggregator currently shows Jill Stein with about 2 percent of the vote in a four-way race.
When Costello asked Sarandon to explain what she meant by “gone” in the context of the DNC, Sarandon denounced what Sanders himself called a rigged system during his primary contest with Clinton.
“It’s completely corrupt, and…every superdelegate is a lobbyist. And the way that the system is set up in terms of trying of having superdelegates — you could win a state and not get the delegates. It’s crazy.”
. @SusanSarandon : The DNC is completely corrupt.
— Carol Costello (@CarolC) November 3, 2016
The Oscar-winning actress still has high regard for Sanders who she claimed gave people hope, and despite the Vermont senator’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton in July, she added that “Look, Bernie has said, ‘don’t ever listen to me if I tell you how to vote.’”
When Carol Costello referenced that unlikeability of both Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump, Sarandon insisted the more important metric is that they both are “untrustable.”
“I think we’ve been voting the lesser of two evils for too long…The good news, if you want some good news, is that everybody’s so frustrated that at least we’re awake,” she concluded.
In an appearance on Stephen Colbert’s CBS TV show last April, Sarandon revealed that “I’m more afraid of, actually, Hillary Clinton’s war record and her hawkishness than I am of building a wall, but that doesn’t mean that I would vote for Trump.”
Susan Sarandon: The DNC Is ‘Completely Corrupt’
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 4, 2016
Ex-husband and fellow progressive Tim Robbins disagrees with his former spouse and is all-in for Hillary. Raw Story quotes him as trashing Trump and throwing shade on Stein.
“In a time of insanity, I’m voting for Hillary. Aside from the despicable racism and sexism of the reality show star, aside from his tax evasion and lying and bankruptcies, Trump denies climate change. Trump wants to be a ‘law and order’ president in a time when crime is at all time lows. Trump has shown an alarming disrespect for women and teenage girls…Jill Stein is no Ralph Nader, and Gary Johnson is no Teddy Roosevelt — and neither of them has shown us any examples of their past advocacy leading to any significant change.”
Jill Stein previously described Hillary Clinton as a warmongering corporatist who could drag the country into an armed confrontation with Russia and insisted that Clinton has already done some of the things that Donald Trump says he’s going to do if elected president.
Stein, 66, is a medical doctor who declared in recent interviews that “politics is the mother of all illnesses” and that’s why she now practices what she calls political medicine. Stein was the Green Party standard-bearer in 2012 and also unsuccessfully ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and 2010. With a social justice focus on climate change and eradicating poverty, the far-left Green Party is seen as a natural home for at least some of the Sanders cohort. Dr. Stein has consistently rejected the assumption that for liberals, Hillary Clinton is a lesser of two evils and that a vote for a third party such as the Greens helps Donald Trump.
Susan Sarandon apparently agrees with that premise.
[Featured Image by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Images]