The second season of the anime based on the manga Shokugeki no Soma titled Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate recently aired its finale. However, some fans are wondering why the second season suddenly ended with 13 episodes when the first season had 24 episodes.
It should be noted that the second season of the anime Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma is technically not surprising news. Prior to the second season airing, it was made known it would be shorter than the first by almost half the episodes actually through discernment. According to an article written by Yibada , it reports that the official website for Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate made known the home release of the anime will consist of seven Blu-ray discs with two episodes on each disc with the exception of the last disc which will only have one (and most likely special features).
The argument on the number of episodes is being thoroughly discussed among manga and anime fans of Shokugeki no Soma , especially on Reddit. One of the users on the social site provided details on why the second season could have gone 24 episodes long or even longer if they wanted to. Actually, he or she provided four good reasons as follows.
- The first reason is the fact the first season is 24 episodes, ergo an argument for consistency.
- The second reason is the anime is one of the biggest animes ever created by the studio J.C. Staff.
- The third reason is the manga series is already up to 20 volumes. The content already covered in the two seasons for Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma cover 14 of the volumes in which the 14th volume isn’t fully used.
- Finally, the fourth reason is the Shokugeki no Soma manga is currently either the third or fourth most popular manga in Shonen Jump currently.
The aforementioned reasons for Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate being 24 episodes are all great reasons, but there might actually be a huge reason why the second season was cut to 13 episodes and it has to do with the manga series. At this moment, there are 20 volumes in which 172 chapters are told in them, but with chapters 173 to 186 still not in a tank?ban volume or book. In Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate , it is an anime adaption of Chapter 60 in Volume 8 Chapter 116 in Volume 14, in which the last episode of the season aired on September 24, 2016. This is peculiar because 13 days later, the English version of volume 14 was released.
That is right! The most probable reason why Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate aired only 13 episodes is so the anime would not surpass the English versions of the manga. Such a move would disappoint fans, but in many ways, it is very smart. If the anime were to surpass the English release of the manga, who would buy the manga?
At least we got to see two major story arcs play out in Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate . [ WARNING: Spoilers Ahead! ] We got to see the 43rd Annual T?tsuki Autumn Election play out which included the introduction of one of the most notorious students in the T?tsuki Academy, the “King of Stalkers” Mimasaka Subaru . For those who do not remember who Subaru is, he is known for bullying students into accepting a challenge from him to a Shokugeki. He usually creates the same dish his opponent makes but makes subtle changes to make his version “better.” When Subaru wins, he takes their most prized possession as a chef, their culinary knife.
We also got to see the entire Stagiaire arc play out too which includes the epic reunion of Soma Yukihira and Kojir? Shinomiya. Back during the T?tsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp, Shinomiya was challenged to a Shokugeki by Yukihira. It was considered a first in T?tsuki Academy history and one that would link both of them.
Even though Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate was short, it at least delivered. Going forward from this point on, expect the anime to always remain in pace with the English release of the manga.
[Featured Image by Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma Anime Promotions]