Jason Alexander, who you may better know as the show-stealing George Costanza on Seinfeld , may be eternally wealthy due to his scene-grabbing turn on the show — but Alexander told supporters of President Barack Obama recently that despite his dolla dolla bills, y’all, he is still a middle-class dude in spirit.
While celebrities like Jason Alexander may seem like unlikely spokesmen for the middle class, when they use their star power to essentially vote against their own interests and speak out for the rest of Americans, it’s kind of cool.
And speak out Alexander did at a recent pizza joint stumping session for the Prez — Jason explained that while the country may currently bickering over the needs of the 99 percent versus the best interests of the one percent, he knows which side he is on.
Alexander was at an Obama rally in Abel in the battleground state of Iowa when he revealed his affiliation, saying :
“I am hard-core middle class … Jerry Seinfeld made a puddle, I stepped in it, and wonderful things happened.”
Jason Alexander admitted to technically being in the one percent — but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t believe income inequality is hurting America — he explains:
“I do not want to live in that one percent. I don’t believe in it. I don’t think our country, or any country, runs well when the one percent is thriving and the rest are suffering and struggling.”
Alexander, who also helped out with the 2008 effort to elect Barack Obama, said that while he called them in 2008, the campaign reached out to him this time around and he was thrilled. Jason was in Iowa to kick off early voting, and he said:
“What I see going on in this state today is so exciting … This program that you have of 40 days of being able to vote, I don’t know why this is not the national norm.”
Finally, Jason Alexander had some more sobering words about the coming election, adding:
“I believe that this election’s going to determine a lot of directions for this country for my sons’ adulthood … I think some of the things that go down for the next four years, we’re going to feel for an entire generation.”
Do you think it’s cool when big name celebrities like Jason Alexander get involved in getting voters to the polls?