The first Big Brother: Over The Top recap comes from Wednesday, September 28. The season premiere of BBOTT took place online, with host Julie Chen giving the live feed viewers a lot of new information to open the program. The entire fall installment of the reality competition will take place online, with the CBS site serving as a place to watch nearly everything take place live.
Julie Chen started everything out by telling fans that there are 96 cameras and 112 microphones to bring this online season to fans. She also noted that subscribers (viewers) will have a direct impact on nominations, evictions, and game-changing twists this fall. Julie Chen then stated that America would be deciding who wins the $250,000 cash prize. This is a big change from past seasons of the show.
“HU-LLO?” #BBScott has arrived: #BBOTT
— BBOverTheTop (@BBOverTheTop) September 29, 2016
Producers then introduced the first 12 cast members through video biographies, before having them start to enter the BBOTT house. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , there is an extra cast member, though, with either Jason Roy or Jozea Flores joining the BBOTT cast. Fans got to vote on which former houseguest will be joining the 12 new people this season.
The main component of this first Big Brother: Over The Top recap is how they staggered the entrances of the new cast. A full cast list was provided in a previous report by the Inquisitr , with this being the first time that viewers got to see them enter the BBOTT house. The first person to enter the game was Scott Dennis, who is a debt collector from Maine. He was soon joined by Morgan Willett, who is a publicist from Texas. They explored the house a bit before the feeds went down for a few moments.
Meet #BBMorgan . #BBOTT
— BBOverTheTop (@BBOverTheTop) September 29, 2016
Shane Chapman, who is a roofer from North Carolina, was the third person to enter the house. Neeley Jackson, a sales associate from Fort Worth, became the fourth person to walk through the door. The cameras focused in on the different rooms, showing that not much has changed since the Big Brother 18 season finale. Producers only had a few days to alter the Big Brother house, with the only major changes taking place in the Have Not room and upstairs. Neeley asked who would teach her to play chess and Scott volunteered.
Shelby Stockton, a recent law school graduate from Arizona, was the fifth houseguest to enter the game. Michael Ligon, who is a foreman at a tree-removal company in Georgia, entered the house next. He will be the oldest BBOTT cast member at 41, just a bit older than 33-year-old Neeley. His nickname is Cornbread, which is likely to be used more often than his real name this season. He stated that his real name is Chad, though, which may need to be explained by producers a bit later.
Meet the @BBOverTheTop Houseguests! Watch the cast interviews and get to know them: #BBOTT
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 26, 2016
Kryssie Ridolfi, who is a waitress from Illinois, became the seventh person to enter the game. She noted immediately that she has the nickname “Robocop” and that she has a large tattoo of the movie character on her arm. Kryssie also stated that she isn’t allowed to show it on camera due to copyright law. Then Whitney Hogg joined the room, showing off her Kentucky accent immediately. Whitney is a 21-year-old medical assistant who noted that she has a serious boyfriend and has no need for a showmance this fall.
Most of this September 28 Big Brother: Over The Top recap centers around the houseguests entering, as 90 minutes into the season premiere they were still coming through the front door. Justin Duncan, a seafood restaurant owner from New Orleans, became the next person to walk through the door. Alex Willett, an animation designer from Texas, walked through the front door next. Alex is the sister of Morgan, but the two ladies pretended to not know each other during introductions.
The second sister has arrived! Alex and Morgan are now both in the house. They are pretending not to know each other #BBOTT
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) September 29, 2016
Eleventh into the BBOTT house was Monte Massongill, an engineer associate from Mississippi. Monte and Shane Chapman began hitting it off immediately and began chatting in a backroom privately. An alliance may have already formed between the two guys without an effort taking place. The 12th new houseguest was Danielle Lickey, who is a pre-school teacher from California. The show hit the two-hour mark shortly after Danielle joined the group.
Former houseguest Jason Roy was the last to enter, meaning he won the first official fan vote of the fall. That completed the 13-person BBOTT cast. The voice of the house announced there was champagne in the storage room, revealing it was time to really start the party. This brings an end to the September 28 Big Brother: Over The Top recap, with the 13 houseguests now competing for the $250,000 prize. Many more Big Brother spoilers will come in the next 24 hours, likely including the first Head of Household competition.
Fans interested in reading more about the Big Brother: Over The Top schedule can view this article that has been provided by the Inquisitr .
[Featured Image by CBS]