Clearwater, FL – A 12-year-old girl who reportedly endured being raped for a year, went to the hospital and found out that she was pregnant. Cesar Ernest Alcivar, 39, was arrested for allegedly raping the Florida girl and fathering the baby. She reportedly had no idea that she was pregnant and had merely gone to the hospital with her mother to find out why she was having stomach pains.
After doctors performed tests on the Clearwater girl, they quickly discovered that she was pregnant, ABC reports. The girl’s name and how far along the pregnancy is, have not been released. The alleged rape victim identified Alcivar as the man who had been abusing her for the past year, the Daily Mail reports.
Police reports indicate that Cesar Alcivar faces a capital sexual battery charge for allegedly having sexual interaction with the child multiple times, the Clearwater Patch notes. Public Safety spokeswoman Elizabeth Watts stated that hospital staff contacted the Clearwater Police Department after the young girl had a positive pregnancy test.
The term capital sexual battery is applied to two separate offenses that contain very similar elements, according to the Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys website. State law makes crimes that involve any individual over the age of 18 sexually battering anyone age 12 or younger a capital crime. It is also a capital crime to injure the sex organs of a victim during the crime. According to the Florida defense attorney website, the state law also requires the defendant to be in a familial or custodial guardian position. The crime can reportedly be proven based solely on the testimony of the victim, outside evidence is not required to prove the elements of the crime.