Actress Daryl Hannah, known for her roles in Splash and Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill movies, was arrested in Texas for protesting against a pipeline that would funnel oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast. According to the Associated Press , the actress was arrested alongside a landowner who is also none too pleased about the project.
Daryl Hannah and 78-year-old landowner Eleanor Fairchild were arrested for attempting to halt construction by standing in front of the crew’s heavy machinery. Fairchild, who owns the land the pipeline is running through, isn’t a very big fan of Keystone XL and their plan, prompting her to join the actress in the protest. Both women were arrested for criminal trespassing and taken to jail.
“They’ve arrested Daryl Hannah and a rural Texas great-grandmother,” Daryl Hannah’s manager Paul Bassis explained. “The streets of Winnsboro will be much safer tonight now that they’ve gotten that 78-year-old great grandmother off the streets.”
E! News reports that, after being booked and processed for her role in the protest at the Wood County Sheriff’s Office, the actress was returned to the free world. Hannah’s manager explained that the actress “always been sympathetic to Texas landowners who oppose the government taking their land for pipeline pathways,” which could mean that her protesting days are far from over.
TransCanada, the company behind the construction of the $7 billion oil pipeline and the source of Daryl Hannah’s irritation, stated that protesters are ultimately “putting their own safety and the safety of others at risk.”
“It is unfortunate Ms. Hannah and other out-of-state activists have chosen to break the law by illegally trespassing on private property,” spokesperson David Dodson explained.
Not surprisingly, this isn’t Daryl Hannah’s first protest against TransCanada’s oil pipeline. Last year, the actress was arrested during a Keystone XL protest in front of the White House. If that arrest didn’t slow Hannah down, chances are TransCanada hasn’t seen the last of the vocal environmentalist.