Priyanka Chopra is more than just a pretty face, which is something the Quantico star proves with each consecutive interview. Whatever the occasion, Ms. Chopra shares her philosophy on anything from gender equality to the differences between American and Hindu culture. As the world approached Bisexuality Day, Ms. Chopra shared her own experiences in growing up with the expected stereotypes of her culture and how fortunate she was to have parents willing to allow for her own freedom of expression. Priyanka now speaks out about that and about the limitations women still face in the present day.
Priyanka Chopra Shares Her Experiences With Defying Cultural Expectations
Just as the world was gearing up to celebrate Bisexuality Day, Priyanka Chopra was sharing her own experiences with defying conformity and following ones dreams in a Times of India interview. The Quantico actress feels that women are still treated as second-class citizens in much of the world and that the archaic views that makes such treatment possible is evident in the way the media and public reacts to the accomplishments of female professionals. While Priyanka says gender inequality is prevalent everywhere, she feels it’s worse for the daughters of India.
While most Hindu families regard their daughters as incapable of breaking free of the old stereotypes, Ms. Chopra says she was fortunate to have been blessed with a forward-thinking father.
“My grandmother used to tell me that I would never get married because I didn’t know how to make parathas,” recalls the Quantico star. “Luckily, my dad would tell her ‘She doesn’t need to know how to cook; she’s going to change the world. So, I will send a cook along with her.’ I hope that people start treating their daughters as symbols of honour. We should give women the opportunity to stand on their feet and change the world.”
While the status quo can be frustrating at times, Priyanka says change will come when people step away from the bad news they see on the television and start to act to bring about positive improvements in society. She points to her own life as an example, saying that unrelenting determination and great effort are responsible for her own successes.
“If you decide in your head that you want to make a change — whether for yourself, the people around you, the country or even the world — you can achieve it,” says Ms. Chopra.
Tom Hiddleston Helped Quantico Star Priyanka Chopra Feel Like A Dancing Emoji
There’s no denying that Priyanka is making an impact on American culture, even though she’s still fairly new to Hollywood. People shares that, as a presenter for this year’s Emmys, Ms. Chopra showed up in an eye-catching ruby red dress. The Quantico actress was stunning in red and admitted to feeling very much like a dancing internet emoji, as she twirled on stage with her co-presenter, Tom Hiddleston.
“I walked out with this big train, and I did it for the first time, because I was like, ‘Oh, it’s so pretty, and I feel princess-y,’” Ms. Chopra told Tonight Show host, Jimmy Fallon. “And after I twirled once, I was twirling all night.”
Priyanka says photographers were after her all through the evening, encouraging her to twirl again and again. What may have been even more surprising was newly single Tom Hiddleston’s request for another twirl.
“This was my Marilyn Monroe moment,” joked Priyanka.
The now famous custom made dress, designed by Jason Wu, was inspired by a Rene Gruau illustration.
Priyanka Chopra returns to Quantico when Season 2 premieres on Sunday, September 25, on ABC.
[Featured Image by Theo Wargo/Getty Images]