Tomorrow, President Obama and Mitt Romney will go head to head in the first presidential debate of 2012. But for most Americans, the biggest political contest of the year has already been decided. Michelle Obama recently bested Ann Romney in a political bake off.
Michelle won the Family Circle Presidential Cookie Bake-Off against her Republican rival Ann Romney by taking 51.5% of the vote with a few dozen white and dark chocolate chip cookies. Ann presented some delicious M&M cookies.
Michelle said:
“ Every evening, Barack, the girls and I sit down for a family dinner with good conversation and healthy food. If we want to splurge, these White and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies, created by the girls’ godmother, is the perfect special treat.”
The political bake-off may not have a direct effect on the 2012 Presidential race but Today reports that it may predict the victor. Since 1992, the winner of the Family Circle Presidential Cookie Bake-Off has found a place in the White House.
The one exception came in 2008 when Michelle Obama’s lemon zest shortbread cookies lost to Cindy McCain’s oatmeal butterscotch cookie recipe.
Of course, a political bake-off is pretty meaningless unless you can actually taste the cookies yourself. You can get the recipe for Michelle Obama’s chocolate chip cookies are Ann Romney’s M&M cookies here . If you’d like a more adult White House recipe you can check President Obama’s beer recipe here .