Sarah Silverman let loose with a string of profanities when a TMZ cameraman asked her about Hillary Clinton’s health.
Although Clinton’s personal doctor pronounced her fit to serve as president in a July 2015 letter, conspiracy theorists and other Hillary foes have speculated about brain trauma , seizures , Parkinson’s disease, and other alleged maladies.
The subject of Hillary Clinton’s health has become a hot topic on social media evidenced by the trending hashtag #HillarysHealth, and questions have subsequently made their way into the mainstream news media .
When TMZ asked the comedian if she thought Hillary Clinton was healthy, Silverman responded in this way.
“Yeah, I think she’s healthy. I think anyone bringing up her health is a f***ing a**hole. She f***ing…she’s as healthy as–believe me, she’s fine.”
Sarah Silverman — Don’t Bash Hillary Clinton’s Health … She’s Fine!!! (VIDEO)
— TMZ (@TMZ) September 8, 2016
When the TMZ guy asked whether that meant a clean bill of health, Silverman seemed to immediately backtrack, however, as she entered a building in Beverly Hills with a door shutting behind her.
“I don’t know. I have no idea.”
In the above-mentioned letter, the Clinton for president campaign indicated that the Democrat nominee takes prescriptions for an underactive thyroid and for blood clots. Clinton suffered a concussion in 2012.
Perhaps fueling the rumors about her health over the past few months, Hillary Clinton has suffered several coughing fits on the campaign trail and reportedly cleared her throat 22 times during her presidential nomination acceptance speech in Philadelphia in July.
The Mediaite website claims that the FBI notes suggest that Hillary Clinton cited memory loss 40 times in her 3-1/2 hour discussion with agents in the report that that agency released about the private server investigation on the Friday before Labor Day.
Sarah Silverman was a big fan of Bernie Sanders, before switching over to Hillary Clinton, which she made clear during the DNC convention, Breitbart News recalled .
“Silverman — one of the earliest and most vocal celebrity endorsers of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary — called on Democrats to unite behind Clinton while speaking at the party’s National Convention in Philadelphia in July. When staunch Sanders supporters at the convention booed and jeered the comment, Silverman countered: ‘Can I just say, to the Bernie or bust people, you’re being ridiculous.’”
Silverman has also described Hillary Clinton as the only person ever “overqualified” to served as U.S. President, the New York Daily News reported .
Sarah Silverman: Anyone bringing up @HillaryClinton ’s health is a “f–king a–hole”
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) September 8, 2016
On Labor Day, Hillary Clinton had a coughing episode during a rally in Cleveland and then again on her plane flying back from Cleveland.
The Clinton campaign, and the candidate herself , have repeatedly dismissed any concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health as unfounded. Neither Clinton nor GOP nominee Donald Trump have released their full medical records into the public domain, but Trump has vowed that he will do so if Clinton follows suit.
Although Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are roughly the same age, and neither could be described as slim, the Republican nominee maintains a full schedule of rallies across the country and gives regular media interviews, while Clinton follows a relatively light public event schedule, and minimal interaction with reporters, along with private fundraisers.
Parenthetically, Hillary Clinton’s comment at a fundraiser that many Trump supporters are a “basket of deplorables” is currently the number-one trending topic on Twitter.
In another conspiracy theory, Clinton foes accused the presidential hopeful of wearing an earpiece so that her handlers could feed her answers during the NBC News Forum on Wednesday evening. “But Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said what is seen in the photo is merely a reflection of the TV lights or a flash,” Fox News reported . “Confirmed. Nothing in her ear,” the same official told The Daily Beast .
WikiLeaks chimed in on the controversy, too, based on its trove of past emails.
Emails show Huma Abedin in charge of Hillary Clinton’s earpiece
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) September 8, 2016
Although Silverman never finished the sentence that started with “she’s as healthy as” in the above-embedded video, TMZ asserted that “Check out her diagnosis, and remember… Sarah has some firsthand perspective after speaking at the DNC.”
Do you think that Sarah Silverman is correct that there is nothing to the rumors about Hillary’s health?
[Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP Images]
Added: In the video below, Hillary allegedly stepped behind a pillar yesterday to keep the media from filming her coughing after taking questions for about 15 minutes, according to Gateway Pundit .
Update: Hillary Clinton reportedly had what is being described as a “ medical episode ” at the 9/11 memorial ceremony this morning. Unexpectedly leaving the ceremony in lower Manhattan early, she appeared to stumble and faint, according to Fox News . “A witness told the network that the former Secretary of State’s ‘knees buckled’ and she lost a shoe as her security team rushed her to a nearby van,” the New York Post added . Donald Trump also attended the Ground Zero commemoration.
This IS NOT heat related. #HillarysHealth
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 11, 2016
The Clinton team subsequently put out a statement that the candidate “felt overheated” and left for daughter Chelsea’s apartment and is felling better.
Hillary Clinton 9/11 NYC
— Zdenek Gazda (@zgazda66) September 11, 2016
Another angle.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 11, 2016