Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that the POV (Power of Veto) meeting didn’t reveal anything shocking, and as expected, the POV holder decided not to use it in Week 11. To recap, Victor Arroyo won the HOH (Head of Household) competition on Thursday night. He nominated James Huling and Natalie Negrotti for eviction. Corey Brooks took the POV competition, giving the final four alliance total control of the Big Brother house this week. Corey ultimately decided not to use the POV, mainly because if he removed with Natalie or James, Nicole Franzel would be the replacement choice. There’s no way he would risk his closest ally leaving the house right now.
Victor did an MTV Cribs type tour of his HOH room, including his one-of-a-kind Thailand boat plant #bb18
— hamsterwatch #bbcan11 (@hamsterwatch) September 3, 2016
Big Brother Network reports that the POV meeting went off without a hitch and that Corey decided not to use the POV . It wasn’t a shock, either, because if he would have used it, Nicole would have been nominated. Victor wouldn’t risk putting Paul Abrahamian on the block at this point in the Big Brother game.
Big Brother live feed spoilers report that shortly before the POV competition, Nicole told Corey that she wanted to target Natalie for eviction, and keep James safe another week. Corey was surprised because he thought they all agreed that James was a bigger threat . Nicole’s point was she worried if Natalie won the HOH next week, she would target her. Her hunch was correct, too–Natalie revealed that she planned to nominate Nicole and Paul.
Victor thanked Corey for the $5,000 #BB18
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) September 1, 2016
Online Big Brother reports that Paul was leaning toward keeping Natalie this week. For Nicole, this is a nightmare waiting to happen, and she told Corey they have to try to influence Paul in the next few days. Nicole says, “We have to push him to vote Natalie out, but not too hard or he will wonder why we want her out so bad.”
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that ultimately Nicole will let Victor and Paul tell them who to vote for because they don’t want to risk being a target next week. Even though she wants Natalie out now, if they want to keep her, Nicole will just “go with the flow.” So far, the Big Brother plan is to vote out Natalie, but make James believe he is the target all week. They want to blindside both James and Natalie, and keep them guessing about who is the real target.
Last night on the Big Brother live feeds, Nicole came unhinged by a comment Corey made to her in jest. Apparently, it made her cry, leaving her to worry about his true feelings for her. Later, she admits to Corey that she hasn’t had her monthly cycle in 90 days, and was worried about her health. She implied that she could be pregnant, but didn’t explicitly say those exact words. Nicole sobs in her bed and was an emotional mess. Corey didn’t seem to know how to react, and he tried to comfort her.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that Natalie urges James to connect with Paul and Victor in case he is the one who stays. She tells him not to work with Nicole and Corey because they will flip flop to whoever is in power. James tells her he doesn’t want to talk to anyone but her this week, but if it makes her feel better, he will “patch things up with them.”
Natalie and James #BB18
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) September 5, 2016
A funny Big Brother tidbit happened over the weekend. Corey asked the house, “So Big Brother is a CBS show?” It was particularly funny considering they have been in the house for over 80 days, and he just now figured out he is on a CBS show?
Big Brother 18 fans, who do you think will leave on Thursday, Natalie, or James? Stick with the Inquisitr for more Big Brother 18 spoilers, news, and daily live feed updates.
[Image via CBS]