Editor’s Note: HalloweenCostumes.com has reached out to us and stated the costume is not labeled “Sexy Harambe” and it has been in production for years before the Harambe incident.
The ghost of Harambe the gorilla continues to haunt the internet three months after his tragic death, and it’s beginning to look like the unfortunate primate’s status as an extremely popular meme is going to make gorilla suits some of the hottest Halloween costumes of 2016. But does a mass-produced “Sexy Harambe” costume really exist already?
Most people love Halloween for the candy and I’m just excited for someone to break out the sexy Harambe costume
— spooky lauren (@Lauren_Alyse24) August 24, 2016
As the Chicago Tribune reports, Google searches for the world “ Harambe ” are currently almost as popular as they were in the immediate days following the gorilla’s May 28 death. Harambe was shot and killed by a zoo worker after the gorilla grabbed a three-year-old boy who climbed into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Zoo workers decided that putting the gorilla down would be the safest way to diffuse the situation, but this decision stirred up quite a bit of controversy.
The internet refused to let Harambe rest in peace, resurrecting him in the form of darkly comedic internet memes. One of the newest Harambe memes is a photo of what is described as a “Sexy Harambe” Halloween costume, and many Twitter users are predicting that it’s going to be just as popular as Harley Quinn costumes this Halloween.
GIRLS THIS HALLOWEEN BE LIKE pic.twitter.com/wmkmVX72l3
— NO CHILL (@NoChillPosts) September 1, 2016
However, the costume above is not sold under the “Sexy Harambe” label. According to HalloweenCostumes.com, it’s a “ Sexy Gorilla Costume .”
“Monkeying around is not recommended in this costume. Gorillas are technically not monkeys and they really hate it when you get them mixed up with other kinds of primates. We recommend ‘going ape’ in this cute costume,” the product description reads. “Not only is that more technically correct, but nothing is cuter than a girl going ape in this Sexy Gorilla Costume.”
By making one slight alteration to the Sexy Gorilla girl’s accessory, a Twitter user turned the costume into a more accurate depiction of a Sexy Harambe costume.
found my halloween costume pic.twitter.com/LQBQnsJHMw
— RACHEL WILLIS (@asaprach) September 2, 2016
Obviously, carrying a toddler around by the ankle should not be a part of any Halloween costume. Dragging kids around while dressed in a gorilla costume is also frowned upon, as one wannabe Harambe recently found out. Last month, a Harrison High School student dressed up like a gorilla and reenacted the Harambe dragging at a football game in Cincinnati. After photos and video of the incident had gone viral on social media, school officials apologized to the Cincinnati Zoo, which has shut down its Twitter account because of the influx of Harambe memes being tweeted at its handle.
“We fully support the zoo. We have the best zoo right here in our backyard and we don’t take that lightly whatsoever,” said Southwest Local School District Superintendent John Hamstra. “It wasn’t meant to be a skit or a slam on the zoo whatsoever. It was something that was completely blown up.”
Man in gorilla costume drags children around football pitch in tribute to Harambe https://t.co/QPgPRGqhK3
— The Independent (@Independent) August 29, 2016
According to NBC Chicago , Hamstra called the Harambe dragging reenactment an “error in judgment” and said that the students involved were “extremely remorseful.”
The Washington Post has described tweeting Harambe memes as a “competitive sport,” and it looks like the virtual sport is going to take over reality this Halloween as the Harambe-obsessed compete to see who can come up with craziest costumes inspired by the gorilla’s death. Twitter users have already dreamed up a few ideas besides “Sexy Harambe” — get ready to see lots of ghost, angel, and zombie Harambes.
This is legit going to be my Halloween costume so I can honour harambe pic.twitter.com/E2YzHghKS9
— Senay Wilkinson (@senay_wilkinson) September 2, 2016
And with Harambe’s ghost I’ll literally put on a gorilla costume and put angel wings on it pic.twitter.com/YdRrVUOGHT
— Notorious D.A.D. (@NoahAtk_) September 2, 2016
@vosswatermami Doesn’t like my idea for a Harambe couples costume ? pic.twitter.com/gKtTvWEVNZ
— Austin Wright (@AmIDoinItWright) August 15, 2016
Harambe didn’t die for this.
[Images via HalloweenCostumes.com, Cincinnati Zoo /Instagram]