Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday in September. We have everything you need to plan the perfect party including quotes, recipes, food, crafts and patriotic decoration ideas.
Founded by the labor movement, the first federal Labor Day holiday was held in 1894. The holiday recognizes the achievements and contributions of American workers since the founding of the country. From child laborers to unions and strikes, America’s workforce has a long, and sometimes troubling past. We continue to make strives in the workforce to ensure all people are paid fair wages for their work.
Labor Day is a time to take a break from work, relax and celebrate. Even those who continue to fight for equality can recognize the progress made over the past centuries.
Labor Day parties are commonly held each weekend leading up to the first Monday in September. Cookouts and barbecues are the norm. Some choose to spend their final days at the beach on Labor Day weekend. Those planning a Labor Day party will find plenty of resources, ideas, recipes and decorations that will simplify your event.
Labor Day Quotes
Labor Day quotes are a great resource for celebrating the holiday. They can be used for decorations, place settings or even as prayers. You can type quotes in patriotic fonts that can be downloaded for free. These can be used in a variety of ways to add patriotic decor to your party setting. Some prefer to use Labor Day quotes to share on their social media networks. Whether for Twitter, Facebook, adding text to party invitations or making patriotic decor, here are several Labor Day quotes you may use.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius
“Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind.” Henry Ford
“And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor. For these are gifts from God.” Ecclesiastes 3:13
“There is no substitute for hard work.” Thomas Edison
“Without labor nothing prospers.” Sophocles
“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsmen. He who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.” St. Francis of Assisi
“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Labor Day Recipes
Labor Day recipes will help ensure you serve patriotic food, desserts and appetizers to your guests. First, decide if you will have a barbecue or cookout. There are electric grills that enable you to make cookout worthy foods indoors. If weather doesn’t permit an outdoor cookout, you don’t need to sacrifice perfectly grilled meat and vegetables. Determine your party budget and look for Labor Day recipes that can be cooked ahead of time. There is no reason you can’t cook a week in advance then properly freeze your dishes until the day of the party.
There are several online recipes and cookbooks that are perfect for a patriotic, Labor Day party. Here are a few links to get you started.
- Labor Day recipes at
- Labor Day recipes from Taste of Home
- 25 Easy Labor Day Appetizers from Muse
- 17 Best Labor Day Desserts
- 10 No Labor, Labor Day Appetizers
21 Labor Day Recipes That You Can Make Ahead of Time
— Pretty Opinionated (@prettynameless) August 22, 2016
Check out these 23 Tasty Labor Day Recipes! by @kitchme
— CastleRock REO (@CastleRockREO) September 4, 2015
Enjoy these 12 Delicious Recipes for Labor Day Celebrations:
— Toni_Virtual_Queen (@littlequeenbell) July 20, 2016
Labor Day Food
Choosing the perfect food for your party is vital to your guest’s enjoyment. Food choices should be based on preferences and personal tastes. Most Labor Day party menus include patriotic drinks, salads, appetizers, main courses, side dishes, grilled meat and vegetables and desserts. One of the simplest ways to dress up a meal is to choose red, white and blue table settings and ornamental features.
If you’re grilling indoors on an electric grill or outdoors, consider kabobs. Kabobs are perfect for guests as they are easy to control portion size and are portable. You can make kabobs from meat and chicken as well as vegetables and fruit. Kabobs are an excellent appetizer and can serve as dessert. Kids love kabobs and they are a great food choice for any Labor Day party.
Celebrate #LaborDay weekend with these adorable kabobs (and other patriotic eats) right here:
— (@SparkPeople) September 4, 2015
Colorful combo for this month! Red, white and blue food just for July! #July #combo #summer #food #brownie
— Ingallinas Box Lunch (@ingallinas) July 6, 2016
One of the advantages to choosing food for a Labor Day party is you can use Fourth of July recipes. Desserts like patriotic Oreos are a party favorite with many on Labor Day.
Super Easy 4th Of July Recipes Red White And Blue Desserts For Family! #food #4thofjuly
— Alla Ty (@allatyIB) July 4, 2016
No Bake Hot Fudge Cheesecake Patriotic … – #food #wine #diet #recipes
— Healthy Dining (@HealthyDiningT) August 13, 2016
Recipes Ideas for the 4th -Deviled eggs color red, white, and blue,
— Sister Spell Binder (@thewitchbrmclst) June 29, 2016
Labor Day Drinks
Patriotic drinks are an important part of your party. Whether serving alcoholic drinks to adults or red, white and blue beverages to kids, you’ll want to ensure your drinks are festive. You can use Fourth of July drink recipes as well as Memorial Day drink recipes for your Labor Day party. Make good use of red, white and blue fruit. You can freeze strawberries, banana slices and blueberries in ice cubes for a patriotic drink favor. Red licorice and red, white and blue straws can transform a drink into a patriotic beverage quickly.
The Patriotic spirits are strong here! Join us for good drinks and great people! #luxuryapartments #VillasLiving
— Villas @ Bunker Hill (@VillasBunkHill) July 8, 2016
Captain America Kids Drink: Celebrate Red, White & Blue #redwhiteblue #memorialday
— Tatanisha (@tatanishapw) May 30, 2016
12 Patriotic Layered Drinks for the 4th of July
— Kind Eye (@kindeyeweb) July 1, 2016
Patriotic Drink Recipes:
— madebycristinamarie (@madebycm) May 22, 2013
TOMORROW IS #4THOFJULY !!! #9 on the list of drinks is the Red, White, and Blue Wine Spritzer
— Duke & Duck (@dukeandduck) July 3, 2016
Make some really impressive red, white, and blue drinks this weekend! The best part?? It o…
— Kimbo West (@agirlandgluegun) June 30, 2016
Labor Day Party Ideas, Crafts and Decorations
Your party will need festive decorations to give it a patriotic flair. You can buy decorations as well as craft them yourself. There are plenty of ideas to help ensure your party is a success. Patriotic firecrackers, flags and primitive wood crafts in red, white and blue with stars and stripes are a big hit. While you can buy patriotic table covers, plates, banners, cups, napkins and utensils, the extra touches given to crafts can make your decorations stand out. Here are some ideas for Labor Day crafts and decorations.
Patriotic Labor Day Decoration Ideas. Decorate your home with classic red, white, and blue…
— Stagetecture (@stagetecture) August 28, 2015
11 Fourth of July #Decorations You Can Make Yourself #DIY #crafts #4thofJuly
— Tyrone PA Class of 84 (@tahs84) July 1, 2015
*Fourth of July decoration wine bottle on #craft #DIY #craftideas
— craftideas (@craftideasDIY) July 22, 2014
DIY Decorations for the Fourth of July
— ArtIdeasCraft (@artideascraft) June 17, 2012
Check out this #4thofJuly inspired centerpiece, perfect for a #patriotic meeting or event:
— Disney Meetings & Events (@DisneyMeeting) July 5, 2016
#new Patriotic Centerpiece
— Mandy SugarBeeCrafts (@sugarbeecrafts) June 18, 2016
30 Inspiring Labor Day Craft Ideas and Decorations to make your Labor Day fun!
— Barefoot & Company (@BarefootCo) September 1, 2014
Decoration ideas for your labor day bash! #laborday #party #decor
— We’ve Moved to @CBRealtyOHKYIN (@CBKTTWEET) August 23, 2016
Are you going to celebrate Labor Day with a party? We hope these quotes, recipes and decoration ideas will help.
[Image via Shuttrestock]