Princess Diana will be played by Naomi Watts in the upcoming movie about the Royal’s life. The film will reportedly focus on the final years of the princess’ life, when she was virtually under siege by the paparazzi. A re-creation of a yachting experience with Dodi Fayed will highlight the nearly constant surveillance Princess Diana was under by celebrity photographers. Fayed will be played by Cas Anvar.
Ironically, producers of Diana made a deal with one paparazzi-style agency to offer the media organization the best photo angles during the yacht scene filming. The exclusive agreement was allegedly prompted due to the open area required for shooting one of the most important scenes of the movie and the trickiness involved when taking photos or filming on the water, the Hollywood Reporter notes. The production company reportedly realized that they would have to deal with paparazzi hanging around the Princess Diana movie set, so they opted to get in front of the issue to prevent potential problems in the future.
British actor, Charles Edwards is pleased with Naomi Watts’ portrayal of Princess Diana, the Express reports. Edwards plays Princess Diana’s secretary, Patrick Jephson, in the latest biopic of the late Royal’s life.
The Diana co-star had this to say about Watts’ performance:
“The glance that Diana used to do below the eyelashes, she really has got it spot on. To have a German director direct a quintessentially English story is good too because he has a different view on it. I think it will be very good- the filming is not complete on that, but it was a wonderful thing to do.”
German director, Oliver Hirschbiegel, was also at the helm of a 2004 production about Hitler’s life, Downfall .