Hold on to your hats, Big Brother 18 fans, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride this week. Natalie Negrotti won the HOH (Head of Household) competition this week. America picked Michelle Meyer to receive the Care Package this week, making her the co-HOH and in charge of making one of the two nominations for the week. Paul Abrahamian and Victor Arroyo were put on the block and are facing eviction. It all comes down to who wins the POV (Power of Veto) competition.
Joker Updates reports that James Huling told Natalie just before the Big Brother live feeds were turned off for the POV competition that he’s having second thoughts about evicting Corey Brooks. Last night, the Big Brother house came up with a plan to take Victor or Paul from the block and backdoor Corey. James had reservations about the plan and brought up concerns about Paul’s loyalty.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that Natalie feels apprehensive about trusting Corey and Paul. She felt they both were lying to her and cannot figure out which one benefits her game more. James explained that he feels safer with Corey because he knows “for certain” that Nicole Franzel wouldn’t betray him. Natalie and James decide that if Paul is on the block on Thursday, they will make sure he is the one that leaves the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that they are undecided about Victor and can’t decide if they want to send him home this week. They don’t think he’s coming after them but they admit they can’t ignore that he is a competition beast. They know that they would win more challenges if he was out of the game.
Joker Updates reports that Natalie admits that she wants Corey or Victor to win to “lock in” Paul’s nomination. Natalie added that if Paul stays on the block, he will continue to unravel, and will show the Big Brother house his “true colors.” In the end, they hope Corey can pull off a win so the nomination will stay the same.
#BB18 Natalie and James pic.twitter.com/YX7evpV8il
— CanadianReality (@bbcanshadow) August 11, 2016
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that it only takes two votes this week to evict a houseguest. If Corey is named as a replacement nominee, it would be easy to send Paul out the door. James explained that he and Nicole would vote to keep Corey, and Paul would leave the Big Brother house. James added that he would tell the house that it was his idea and she knew nothing about it.
After a four-and-a-half hour POV competition, Paul won the POV . The Big Brother houseguests congratulate him on a great win, and believe the week will go exactly as planned. So what does that mean for Corey and Nicole? Most likely Nicole will go on the block in Paul’s place, and with Paul off the block, he is facing the real possibility of being evicted. As you can imagine, Nicole has already started to panic and is itching to talk to Michelle to try to encourage her to nominate James.
Before the POV competition, Natalie and James had decided to evict Pau l this week, Big Brother Network reports. Now with the POV around his neck, their option to evict him is dead. Now Michelle will have to replace Paul’s nomination with James, Corey, or Nicole. It seems extremely unlikely that she would put James on the block, so we can expect either Corey or Nicole to go on the block. There’s a possibility that the Big Brother house could decide to evict Victor this week, taking this opportunity to get a major threat out of the game.
Big Brother 18 fans, who do you think will be renominated in Paul’s place? Stick with the Inquisitr for more Big Brother 18 spoilers, news, and daily live feed updates.
[Image via CBS]