The Pretty Little Liars rumors mill, needless to say, is in overdrive thanks to this explosive season that’s proving to be “the end of Pretty Little Liars as we know it.” But the latest bits of gossip — that the show is, indeed, canceled, and that a movie based on the show is currently in the works — have die-hard fans both devastated and excited at the same time!
According to Hollywood Take , the most explosive of Pretty Little Liars rumors — that the show will be canceled after Season 7 — comes as an end result of this season’s storylines, which are skewing much darker than they have in seasons past. But the Pretty Little Liars rumors of cancellation are being fueled, of course, by the cast members. For example, Tammin Sursock, who plays Jenna, was the one who uttered that infamous “end of Pretty Little Liars as we know it” line to People Magazine . However, Sursock was quick to add that while what we know as Pretty Little Liars may not be around anymore, there’s still the possibility of a spin-off show or even a movie! However, the finality of her statement made it clear that this is, indeed, the end of Pretty Little Liars .
“There are such rabid fans, and I think it would be nice to have some closure.”
But according to the Hollywood Reporter , the Pretty Little Liars rumors of cancellation are, well, made up by pretty little liars . THR sat down with Pretty Little Liars star Ian Harding, who plays Ezra Fitz on the show, and he had a very different take on what was going on in the Pretty Little Liars world. He told the outlet that because no one has come up to him and said “you’re fired,” he doesn’t think it’s the end of the show. However, he was also quick to hedge that the show is full of surprises, so he didn’t rule out the possibility that he may just be surprised at the end of the season with a pink slip from the job he’s come to love. Finally, like Sursock, Harding doesn’t rule out the possibility of a Pretty Little Liars movie, especially since the fan base for the show is so rabid. But he has a unique take on what Pretty Little Liars’s future will entail after this season.
“We could also just turn around and surprise everyone. Everyone is mourning the loss of the show and then boom, next June, season eight — we’re all mid-40s or something.”
All of these Pretty Little Liars rumors are helping the die-hard fans gear up for the season finale, which will air on August 30 on the Freeform Channel (formerly ABC Family). The Bit Bag has received the official synopsis of the season finale from the network , and like everything else in the Pretty Little Liars world, the final episode is chock full of twists, turns, and surprise pregnancies.
First, fans will be devastated to know that there will be a death, but will it be Toby, Jenna, Noel or Yvonne? Second, Mary Drake’s secret child is all but confirmed, and the official synopsis refers to a “secret revealed from the past” for one of the cast members. Third, there’s a pregnancy on the horizon. The synopsis also confirms that this pregnancy will “alter the course forever” for the liar who will be expecting a child (which, many fans believe, is referring to Caleb and Spencer, who spent a final night together before their official split). Finally, it’s confirmed that Toby will, in fact, be leaving Rosewood, but whether he’s leaving because he’s dying, or because he’s going to be taking care of Yvonne, remains to be seen.
Do you believe any of these Pretty Little Liars rumors? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
[Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images]