Anthony Weiner — aka Carlos Danger, aka mongoose — is now blaming faulty emotional wiring for feeling no shame throughout his failed mayoral run and the reality show-tinged documentary Weiner that showed the disastrous behind-the-scenes life with his wife, Huma Abedin, when Weiner’s busy sexting life hit the fan. But can Anthony Weiner at least fake feeling bad for his wife, who has now been thrown under the political bus in the current presidential election?
It was just a matter of time before Anthony Weiner got catfished by someone , and this time, it was a college guy pretending to be a female college student on Twitter. Put aside that the alleged “Nikki” was 19 and Weiner is over 50 and focus on the idea that Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is right now in the highest profile position of her life and an advisor to Hillary Clinton, says the Inquisitr . The timing is certainly curious for Weiner to go back to Twitter to troll for young ladies who might want to see pics of his goodies. Is this a compulsion for Weiner, or is it about sabotaging his wife? Professional jealousy is a strong motivator.
Although Anthony Weiner told the New York Post that he feels no shame, might this not be the time to fake some? When all of your political aspirations have been tanked by sending naughty messages and pictures to strangers, one would think there would at least be a moment of reckoning. Weiner, on the other hand, says he has his thick skin to thank. But thick skin is starting to look to some more like a thick head because change is possible if you want it enough.
“To some degree, the same thing that made me successful and that allowed me to survive stuff is that my emotional wiring isn’t fully connected.”
What Is Really Wrong With Anthony Weiner? Mental Health Professionals Weigh In
Anthony Weiner Is Sexting Again, Wife Huma Abedin Mortified
Weiner explained to the creators of the documentary that he believes all politicians are wired to need attention in some way. Perhaps craves attention is a better word choice.
RT nypmetro: Anthony Weiner says he feels no shame, admitting that his “emotional wiring isn’t fully connected”
— James (@jamesmcho231) August 16, 2016
Anthony Weiner continues to talk about his thick skin and the outer shell that protects him, but he doesn’t seem to acknowledge that all words and all advice, good and bad, bounces off that shell, and as a married man and a father, he needs to protect more than just himself.
“I have a very thick skin. Without going down a rabbit hole here, you could argue that some of my emotional wiring wasn’t working terribly well. That is how I can survive having 40 cameras outside my house.”
Note he says my house and not our house.
But instead of owning up to his most recent shenanigans, Anthony Weiner is trying to deflect by suggesting that his transgressions don’t look that bad when you compare them to others, namely those of Donald Trump. Weiner says that he doesn’t want to go into detail about his transgressions, says People Magazine , but he thinks when compared to some of the things Donald Trump is doing right now, Weiner’s own sexting scandals are quaint.
“I’m not going to go down the path of talking about any of that. But I will say this: There’s no doubt that the Trump phenomenon has led a lot of people to say to me, ‘Boy, compared to inviting the Russians to come hack someone’s email, your thing seems almost quaint.’”
Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, likely wouldn’t use the word quaint, and since Donald Trump already has Abedin in his sights, suggesting that Abedin would not be trusted in a top, secure position because she is married to a loose cannon. Weiner almost seems to be poking the bear, welcoming more criticism of everything from Huma Abedin’s appearance to her religion (she is Muslim).
There has been no public quote from Abedin yet to see if she also finds Anthony Weiner’s sexting “quaint.”
Do you think if Anthony Weiner would show some remorse it would help him salvage his career?
[Photo by Seth Wenig/AP Images]