Ahmed Mohamed, who is commonly referred to as “Clock Boy,” made headlines in September, 2015, when he was arrested at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, and charged with possessing a hoax bomb. Although the device was later determined to be a clock, and the charges were dropped, Ahmed’s family believes he was targeted because he is Muslim.
According to a civil lawsuit , which was filed in the United District court for the Northern District of Texas on Monday, the Irving Independent School District, MacArthur High School Principal Daniel Cummings, and the City of Irving are charged with violating the teen’s civil rights.
As reported by Washington Post , the defendants are accused of permitting “a pattern of disproportionate disciplinary actions for black students” within the Irving School District. The city, school district, and principal are further accused of tolerating discrimination based on race and religion.
The defendants are also accused of violating Ahmed Mohamed’s Fourth Amendment rights, as the so-called clock boy was reportedly interrogated by school officials for more than one hour before his parents were informed of the situation.
Although the criminal charges against Ahmed Mohamed were dismissed, clock boy and his family, who were American citizens, left the country and moved to Qatar one month after the incident occurred.
According to reports, the teen’s parents sought legal representation in June while visiting Texas during their summer vacation. The law firm, Hutchinson & Stoy, filed the civil lawsuit two months later.
Ahmed Mohamed’s story continues to draw national attention, as the teen and his family believe he was singled out because he and his family are Muslim. However, according to some reports, clock boy has a history of disciplinary issues.
Muslim ‘Clock Boy’ is suing his school for accusing him of bringing bomb to class https://t.co/WYdxSQGFQ8
— The Independent (@Independent) August 8, 2016
In an interview with The Dallas Morning News , Ahmed Mohamed’s seventh-grade history teacher Ralph Kubiak said clock boy was “a weird little kid,” who enjoyed making electronic devices at home and bringing them to school to show his classmates and teachers. However, Kubiak said the boy’s behavior “sometimes… got to be a little much.”
The former teacher shared an incident where Ahmed Mohamed made a remote control device, which he used to turn a classroom projector on and off as a prank.
Although his middle school records are sealed, Kubiak revealed his former student was suspended and given detention on numerous occasions for behavioral issues. However, the former history teacher said clock boy was simply trying to impress his classmates and teachers in an effort to fit in.
Unfortunately, Ahmed Mohamed’s interest in electronic devices ultimately led to his arrest and prompted his family to leave the United States.
The family of ‘Clock Boy’ files a civil rights lawsuit against Texas school district https://t.co/fjJ6WgMGvy pic.twitter.com/53efT7rJoo
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) August 8, 2016
Despite the fact that his family is no longer being pursued for their religious beliefs, their life in Qatar has not been easy. Ahmed Mohamed discussed his new life in an interview with the Washington Post .
“I lost a lot of things in my life… The number one thing people think about me is that I’m living ‘the life’… But I can’t build anymore. My dad doesn’t have a job anymore. I moved from my house to an apartment. I lost my place for building things… it’s very boring, I can’t do anything. The only thing I can do is use the Internet.”
As stated in the lawsuit, clock boy’s family is seeking “judgment against all Defendants for actual and compensatory damages, declaratory relief,injunctive relief, and for statutory attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, as well as punitive damages against the individual Defendants, as well as all other additional relief as the Court deems just and proper.”
The defendants also filed a request for a jury trial.
According to the lawsuit, Ahmed Mohamed, and his family were simply trying to live the “American Dream.” Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed when the teen was accused of purposely causing a bomb scare.
At this time, the so-called clock boy and his family have not commented on the civil lawsuit.
[Photo by AP Photo/LM Otero ]