Apple iPhone users used the first 24 hours of the iOS 6 release to update 15 percent of their smartphones. That data was queried by advertising and analysis firm Chitika. The advertising firm queried the browser and OS version on “millions” of advertising impressions generated by the company’s ad network. Adoption was taken from the moment of release on September 19 through the end of September 20.
Adoption for the new iOS system was so high that the Wi-Fi verification page server failed and some users were left with update frustration.
The quick rate of iOS 6 installation also comes at a time when many users have complained about problems with the new OS. For example, many users lost WiFi connection capabilities while others, myself included, were forced to look for workarounds when accessing the new Passbook system. Other users and many media agencies have also complained about the horrid results being displayed by Apple Maps , a system the tech firm hastily threw together in order to push Google Maps off its mobile OS.
To put Apple iOS 6 adoption into perspective, the Google Android 4.1 ‘Jelly Bean’ rate of adoption over the same 24 hour period was just 1.5 percent. It is important to remember that Google Android is a fragmented mobile OS that requires manufacturers to offer upgrades.
In a five day period, Apple iOS 5 users adopted their new mobile OS at a rate of 20 percent over five days.
Are you surprised by the high rate of adoption for the Apple iOS 6 mobile OS given the massive number of complaints about the system from users?