During this year’s San Diego Comic-Con last week, The Flash ‘s Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, and the whole cast held a pretty fun panel. The Flash , much like the Season 1 finale, had an incredible Season 2 finale with one heck of a cliffhanger. Grant Gustin spoke with ComicBook while at the Con and talked about Season 3 and Barry’s relationship with other characters.
Spoilers for The Flash Season 2 and 3 up ahead.
. @grantgust On @CW_TheFlash ‘s Relationships With Iris, Joe, and Wally West In Season 3 https://t.co/v03IYQxFQm pic.twitter.com/VmnrjvO90r
— ComicBook.com (@ComicBook) July 27, 2016
Once Barry/The Flash made the decision to travel back in time and finally stop his mother from being killed by Reverse-Flash, fans knew that there was only one way to go after this: Flashpoint . Barry, of course, is the only one who knows that the timeline has been affected in this way, and from the very first episode of the third season, we’ll see that Barry is totally fine with his decision.
“He’s still living in a complete state of bliss with both of his parents alive,” Gustin told ComicBook .. There’s a Kid Flash running around as The Flash, so Barry doesn’t have to be The Flash and he’s okay with that. He still has his powers, but he’s starting to forget the other timeline.”
Here’s why #TheFlash has two costumed heroes + two villains in season 3! https://t.co/Pcqv67tqbT pic.twitter.com/Zn9lWfSiDk
— IGN (@IGN) July 25, 2016
While living in this new timeline with both of his parents alive and well, Barry’s memories start being replaced with moments from this new timeline. According to Gustin, this is where Barry realizes that this may not have been the best decision.
Some things are still the same, like the fact that Barry Allen is a CSI, working with Joe West and the Central City Police. But that father/son relationship isn’t there since Joe never raised Barry, and it sounds like they barely have much of a relationship as it is.
“Iris and Barry went to school together, they’re also barely acquaintances,” Grant continued. “But Barry also remembers that conversation on the porch did take place, and he’s going to try and force those relationships to happen.”
Iris and Barry finally kissed in the Flash Season 2 finale, after she basically told him that she was ready to be with him. But after Barry witnessed his father being killed in front of him, and having his time remnant himself, Barry isn’t in a good place emotionally.
The season finale of #TheFlash is in your grasp. Watch it for free now: https://t.co/QTnGliVIyg pic.twitter.com/OMTS2e6xsg
— The Flash (@CW_TheFlash) May 25, 2016
But if Barry is going to try and recreate his relationships with Joe and Iris, it definitely sounds like things are not going to be that easy for him.
During Comic-Con, Candice Patton confirmed the Flashpoint story arc on the show is not going to be a literal adaptation of the comic, or animated film. The first episode is titled “Flashpoint” and they’re definitely going to make it their own.
“I don’t want people who know Flashpoint to get too invested,” Patton said. “We’re definitely doing our thing, but I think fans are gonna love it.”
The actress also revealed that Iris and Barry’s relationship is quite different in this new altered timeline. “It’s new and it’s fresh, and they have a really great interaction in ‘Flashpoint.’”
There was also talk of the big crossover taking place later this fall when The Flash , Arrow , and Legends of Tomorrow return, along with Supergirl . The character of Iris hasn’t had much screen time in any of the crossover episodes, but Candice would love to be able to visit CatCo with Kara Danvers/Supergirl, and work with Calista Flockhart and Melissa Benoist.
It doesn’t sound as if this Flashpoint story in The Flash is going to have a large impact on the rest of the shows. But CW President Mark Pedowtiz promises that “Next season, Arrow , The Flash , Legends of Tomorrow , and now Supergirl will join forces in our annual crossover event, our biggest ever.”
The Flash returns to The CW this fall, on October 4.
[Image via The CW]