Tonight is going to be one of the ultimate episodes of the 2016 season of The Bachelorette as JoJo Fletcher will head to the Fantasy Suite three separate times. Everyone wants to know who she will end up sleeping with , but that drama will be over in just a few hours. There will be even more dramatic chaos on Tuesday night for the “Men Tell All” special which will have hot seat conversations, confrontations, and one guy even looks to pick a fight.
Please let it be known that there are possible spoilers ahead for the current season of The Bachelorette . If you don’t want to know them, stop reading now.
A number of guys did return for the “Men Tell All” special and as expected, one of them was Chad Johnson. ABC is really playing up the fact that the villain of this season is back, and he couldn’t be more excited about it.
As you can see, Chad posted that on his Instagram and talked about clearing up a few things, and he also said that he was going to “wreck a few dudes in the process.” One clip that was shown featured Chad telling someone to pump their brakes as he “had dirt” on them, but it never showed who he was speaking to.
For those wondering if he has changed his ways…well, that isn’t necessarily the case. Check out the second half of this promo for this week’s Bachelorette two-night event and you’ll see that he even tries to pick a fight with one of the other guys on the set.
Wet Paint is reporting that a trio of guys are leading the fight against Chad on the “Men Tell All” special, and they are Alex Woytkiw, Chase McNary, and Christian Bishop. Yes, that’s a rather odd group except for Alex who legitimately had face-to-face confrontations with him during the season.
For those wanting more of Chad, they will be able to see him in the upcoming season of Bachelor In Paradise which begins next week. There’s also the possibility that he will get his own spinoff , but that is still a bit of a pipe-dream and something that may or may not ever happen.
Chad is one of the guys that ends up in the “Hot Seat” and talking to host Chris Harrison directly about some topics. He’s not the only one that ends up in that seat, though, as Wells Adams, Luke Pell, and Chase McNary will all get to answer some questions and give their true thoughts on how things went down on this season of The Bachelorette .
Reality Steve is reporting that Chase is still not overly thrilled with the way things happened in the Fantasy Suite, and he actually confronts JoJo about it. The overnight date simply didn’t go as he expected, and he wants to let his true feelings out about it all.
Not a lot of people really think that JoJo did many guys wrong or led a lot of them on in this season of The Bachelorette , but the “Men Tell All” special is their chance to speak their minds. Some of them are going to have some strong words and really hurt feelings to get out, but others are just happy to be there and make their faces seen again.
James Taylor is one of them who was just thrilled to be at the “Men Tell All” and it certainly doesn’t hurt him or his music career either. There is always the chance that he could be the next lead on The Bachelor , but that also remains to be seen.
James Taylor is ready to see JoJo again at #MenTellAll this week!
— The Bachelorette (@BacheloretteABC) July 24, 2016
The “Men Tell All” special has already been taped for this season of The Bachelorette, and a lot of things are already known. Still, it’s going to be interesting to see what all the guys have to say now that they are seeing JoJo Fletcher again for the first time since being sent home. Chad Johnson, Chase McNary, and Luke Pell are the top names that fans are waiting to hear from, and it’s going to be one interesting night.
[Image via Chad Johnson’s Instagram ]