As the last of the four days of the Democratic National Convention comes to a close, a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll in the middle of the week showed that Republican nominee Donald Trump had a two-point advantage against Hillary Clinton , which is said to be the first time since early May that he’s been ahead. But now a new poll by Rasmussen shows Hillary Clinton is back on top by one point.
#WhiteHouseWatch : #HillaryClinton 43%, #DonaldTrump 42%…
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) July 28, 2016
This comes after reports of a CNN poll over the weekend which showed Donald Trump was also leading 44 to 39 percent, and in comparison, the newest poll from Reuters/Ipsos showed 39 against 37 percent.
The Reuters report says that the latest poll was released this Tuesday and that Donald Trump really did not start gaining in the polls until right after the RNC convention last week.
Inquisitr ‘s coverage of these poll numbers suggests that Donald Trump might lose this election, but also provides a contrast of the issues that were left out of the DNC convention, which conservative media points to as divisive. But as the Democratic convention starts to wrap up, Clinton appears to be gaining on the billionaire.
The purpose of the DNC convention, overall, is to make Clinton’s nomination official, and leave no question that she is the Democratic Party’s pick to be the next president of the United States, which has been the case with both candidates representing their party at both of their conventions. Many say that the stakes are higher this year.
Both conventions reportedly had a rough start where anti-Trump delegates tried for days before and days into the RNC convention, to unbind those delegates who had initially voted for Donald Trump, so that they could vote for anyone else. It was a process which party leaders immediately “killed” during the meeting which took place days prior to the first day of the event , as reported by Inquisitr .
The DNC convention had similar issues dealing with Bernie Sanders delegates who vocally refused to support Hillary Clinton’s nomination since day one, despite Sanders’ endorsement and growing determination to unite the party with Clinton. Delegates were even more infuriated before the ousting of the former party chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz due to the DNC email leaks via Wikileaks, both of which caused the party Chair’s removal and proof to the anti-Clinton groups that the Democratic Party had been working against their Sanders candidate the entire time.
Overall, however, even the latest report of the poll reading appears to put the candidates at an even level with an equal amount of supporters saying that there is a credibility interval of 4 percentage points.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online with 962 “likely” voters between July 22 and 26, but also compares the latest readings between now and May showing that at the time, Donald Trump was ahead by 0.3 percent, right about the time that his Republican rivals were dropping out of the presidential race and his comments about immigrants, Hispanics, and Muslims effected his ratings while he was feuding with the Republican leadership.
What is also important when viewing these numbers is how each candidate is trying to gain more support, where Donald Trump — and the often reluctant RNC — quickly tried to distance themselves from the anti-Trump delegates and approached the nomination as a “take it or leave it” approach, while the Democrats are from the stage, calling to unite with the anti-Clinton people in order to defeat Donald Trump.
Since both parties settled for the presumptive nominees, Donald Trump has been the only one of the two who has said publicly that they did not intend to begin campaigning for the general election until after the RNC convention, an act which concerned a lot of Republicans, as reported by Inquisitr.
However, it was reported that Donald Trump was able to raise more money for the month of June than many had initially anticipated, according to USA Today. Around $26.7 million to be exact, but only half of what the Clinton campaign was able to raise.
VOX published an article on the trends during election year polling which clarifies a few things, specifically when it says that during the summer, polls are erratic and not a sign of who will win the general election. It suggests that the most important time to know is really between January and April of an election year.
But there is no doubt that the conventions are major speed bumps right before the general election, lasting five months straight before America selects the next president. Now that the race is starting, there’s no doubt that the poll numbers will send a lot of Americans into anxiety over a Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump presidency.
[Image by Mr. Gray via Flickr/ Public Domain ]