Gillian Anderson is best known for playing Dana Scully on The X-Files , so it came as a surprise to her when she stumbled upon another actress dressed up as her iconic role. According to Refinery29 , Gillian Anderson tweeted an old photo of Kate McKinnon dressed up as Dana Scully.
Kate McKinnon, we have something in common & it’s not slimy green things. #Ghostbusters #thefutureisfemale
— Gillian Anderson (@GillianA) July 18, 2016
The photo of McKinnon dressed up as Anderson’s famed character initially did the rounds on the internet a few years ago when it appeared on Reddit. Now that McKinnon is currently stealing the show in the Ghostbusters reboot, the photo is reaching a whole new audience, and that includes the last person that her young self would have ever expected. Gillian Anderson tweeted the photo out and captioned it, saying that they have something in common and it is not slimy green things.
As it turns out, Gillian Anderson is not just a fan of McKinnon, she is envious. Back in a Reddit AMA in 2014, Gillian Anderson had first learned about the Ghostbusters reboot and had expressed her excitement over the news. In fact, there was even a short-lived Twitter campaign aimed at Paul Feig, the director of the Ghostbusters reboot, to cast her in the reboot. While it didn’t pan out, the former X-Files star still remained very supportive of the reboot.
Gillian Anderson recently channeled her inner Marilyn Monroe for an upcoming TV adaptation that she will be starring in. According to Entertainment Weekly , Gillian Anderson heavily resembled Marilyn Monroe in a teaser photo for the TV adaptation of American Gods .
Gillian Anderson is in the middle of filming the upcoming adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s beloved novel of the same name. In the show, she will be playing the role of Media, the modern god of all things cultural. Bryan Fuller, the showrunner also known for his work on Hannibal , recently tweeted that Gillian Anderson was on set filming her second scene as Media. In the book, Anderson’s character is a New God who thrives off attention and takes the form of various celebrities and pop culture icons, most memorably appearing as a foul-mouthed Lucille Ball. Gillian Anderson shared a cryptic teaser from the set featuring her with platinum hair and blood red nails in a photo that seems to suggest that Media has taken the form of Marilyn Monroe.
Gillian Anderson Channels Marilyn Monroe as Media from American Gods
— Pop Culture Magazine (@PopCultureMagAu) July 2, 2016
In other news, Gillian Anderson recently revealed some of her beauty secrets. According to New Beauty , the former X-Files star usually starts her day with meditation before her children wake up.
A staple for Anderson’s beauty collection is her Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. She relies on it because it feels natural, moisturizing, smooth, and silky, and it gives great coverage.
Gillian Anderson spoke on her biggest beauty mistake, and it comes from not having time to check and fix any mistakes that her hair and makeup assistants have made to her look.
“When I haven’t really paid attention to what my hair and makeup people are doing and the car is waiting outside and I don’t really have time to fix it at the last minute. That’s happened plenty of times.”
She also spoke on some of her worst habits, and for the former X-Files star, it all comes down to not making time for the things that she knows would benefit her.
“Choosing to not exercise or meditate on any particular day is not good for me. I often opt to stay busy instead of doing these things. And, drinking Coca-Cola—I know it’s not good for me, but I drink it anyway.”
” I start my day with a meditation ” #GillianAnderson
— GILL82 (@Gi82ll) July 5, 2016
Gillian Anderson spoke on what makes her feel a wonderful sense of fulfillment and happiness, and it all comes down to achieving the right balance.
“When I get enough sleep, meditate, eat healthfully and have a balance in my life between work, family and friends and have cultural intellectual stimulation.”
[Photo by KGC-42/STAR MAX/IPx]