Video micro-blogging service 12seconds is opening up their service to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day this Friday.
Talk Like a Pirate Day started in 1995 and sees devotees talk like Pirates on September 19 each year. The day was relatively unknown until gaining media coverage in 2002, and has grown on the back of social networking site users who like nothing more than sharing fun memes.
Anyone visiting 12seconds on Friday will be able to record a Pirate message from the front page, even if they’re not registered. Anyone who participates will be invited to join 12seconds, and will receive a special “pirate skull & crossbones award.” The exercise from 12seconds is to share in the fun, and partly to load test their setup as well. 12seconds is in invite only alpha and will revert to closed registration after Friday, so if you haven’t got an invite yet, this is a great opportunity to get in.