With Orange is the New Black Season 4 already in the rear-view for millions of binge-watchers, there’s another big question floating around — just when will OITNB Season 5 come out, and what exactly will be happening?
Though the latest season of Orange is the New Black was just released to Netflix, the streaming service provider’s ability to dump all episodes on fans at once means that there’s a big chunk of viewers who have already finished the fourth season and are looking ahead to the fifth.
[WARNING: Potential Orange is the New Black spoilers ahead]
So when does Orange is the New Black Season 5 come out? The answer may not be very popular with fans.
Romper reached out to Netflix to get an idea of when production might start, but didn’t get an answer. So the outlet did a little calculation of its own to determine that it could be a long wait for fans.
“While Netflix has not officially announced the premiere date of Season 5, fans can use a little math to figure out when Season 5 will premiere. With the exception of Season 1, all of the seasons of Orange Is the New Black have premiered within the first two weeks of June. So, if Netflix keeps with that schedule, which it usually does, fans can expect a premiere date for Orange Is the New Black Season 5 in June 2017.
“That seems like a long time to wait considering some of us have marathon-watched the season the same day it came out. It is an entire year without new Orange Is the New Black . The good news is, you can go back and re-watch the first four seasons over and over again until Season 5.”
Fansided got a little more precise in its prediction of when Orange is the New Black ‘s next season will premiere. The outlet noted that Netflix has traditionally released it on a Friday, and the previous history points to either June 9 or June 16, 2017.
That could change, however, if there are any delays in filming. So far the show has been efficient in producing seasons and getting them out on Netflix, but it’s impossible to predict how things could go in the future.
‘Orange Is the New Black’: Everything you need to know for Season 4 #OITNB https://t.co/1XRHL7XkHf
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) June 18, 2016
But those wanting some Orange is the New Black Season 5 spoilers will have some good news. Though it’s still not clear when the next season will come out, it’s certain that there will be much more to come. Netflix announced earlier this year that the show got a three-season renewal, meaning it is guaranteed to come back through at least Season 7.
“Three more years! Not quite a political term, but still plenty of time to do some interesting things. In some cultures, ‘May you lead an interesting life,’ is a curse, but I don’t live in those cultures,” said showrunner Jenji Kohan (via Variety ). “Here’s to keeping it interesting. Thanks Netflix! Both thanks and you’re welcome Lionsgate! And kudos and gratitude to the stellar cast and crew and writers and producers and editors and musicians and mixers and shleppers… with whom I have the pride and honor of crafting this show. Three more years! Three more years!”
Patiently waiting for season 5 of Orange is the New Black. ? #OITNB pic.twitter.com/pFUMUCzJcY
— Joseph (@OmgWonderbread) June 18, 2016
There will be plenty of other unanswered questions about what will happen next in the show, with the season ending on a cliffhanger as the inmates rioted against the guards, Poussey died, and Judy King was nearly on her way out of prison. But so far the Orange is the New Black Season 5 spoilers have been light. There will likely be more leaks ahead of what could be included, but not until the show goes back into production.
[Image via Instagram / Orange is the New Black ]