Game of Thrones Season 6 only has two episodes left, and fans couldn’t be more excited to see how the rest of the season will play out. There are so many storylines happening at the same time, but one of the most interesting is what will become of Cersei Lannister.
As Game of Thrones viewers know, Cersei is currently awaiting trial from the High Sparrow, and after last Sunday’s episode , titled “No One,” fans know that she will not be able to request a trial by combat. Cersei had been banking on having The Mountain fight for her honor to set her free. However, thanks to the High Sparrow and Cersei’s own son, King Tommen, trial by combat has now been banned.
This is bad news for Cersei, who knows she’s committed many sins and will likely not fare well in her trial. This could lead Cersei to do something drastic and crazy.
According to Celeb Dirty Laundry , Cersei may take a page from the book of the Mad King, Aerys II, and try to burn down King’s Landing with wildfire.
In the past, Game of Thrones watchers have seen stockpiles of wildfire, which were later used to help Tyrion win the Battle of Blackwater. Has Cersei replenished that stash since then? If so, will she use it to actually burn down the city she calls home?
Earlier in Season 6, Bran Stark had a vision of the past, and possibly the future, as he saw the Mad King on the throne with casks of wildfire beneath King’s Landing. Bran then saw wildfire stocked up under the city.
Game of Thrones fans who have read the book series know that Jaime Lannister killed the Mad King when Aerys started to get extremely paranoid thinking that everyone was out to get him, and then developed an obsession with wildfire and wanting to burn his enemies.
In the previous episode, Cersei asked Qyburn about a rumor she asked him to check out. Qyburn told Cersei that it was so much more than a rumor, and many fans believe they are talking about wildfire.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , if Cersei does try to burn down King’s Landing, it could mean that Jaime will be forced to kill his sister Cersei, who is also his lover. Many Game of Thrones fan theories suggest that Cersei will die and that it could be at the hands of Jaime, the man who loves her more than anything.
Meanwhile, the report also suggests that Cersei could go completely crazy and become the Mad Queen to Aerys’ Mad King. The spoilers suggest that Cersei might actually go so far as to kill her own son , King Tommen, who has been very cold and distant with his mother since her incarceration.
As many Game of Thrones fans may remember, during the Battle of Blackwater, in which wildfire saved the people of King’s Landing from being raided by Stannis Baratheon’s army, Cersei believed that her brother’s troops would lose. At the time, the Queen Mother decided to end her own life as well as the life of her youngest son, Tommen, who was not yet king. Tommen was very close to drinking the poison that his mother was giving him, but Cersei was stopped by her own father, Tywin Lannister.
It is obvious that Cersei is not above killing her own child, but since Tommen is the last living offspring of her and Jaime, it would be one of the most shocking moments in the show’s history to see her attempt to kill Tommen again or to be killed by her own twin brother.
What are your thoughts on the latest Game of Thrones spoilers and theories for Season 6?
[Image via HBO]