Donald Trump may have clinched the Republican nomination before the Democratic candidate, but his campaign is seemingly too far behind to catch up to the competition.
Donald Trump’s Entire Month Wasted?
Thus far, Donald Trump’s publicity pattern has been built around saying something controversial, which tends to generate enough press to keep him as the topic of the day, day after day, for the last year, only to refuel and go at it again on the weekend round-up shows.
That had a lot to do with how he won the nomination, aside from the fact that the other GOP candidates were unable to generate enough supporters to make them contenders.
This pattern changed, however, right after he won the nomination. His campaign began to develop holes, with pressure from the Republican Party for him to be more presidential.
Paul Manafort May Not Be Able To Control A ‘Not Quite’ Presidential Donald Trump
NPR is now saying that Donald Trump has wasted a whole month of an advantage he might have had over Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is way ahead of Donald Trump in the polls
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) June 16, 2016
For instance, the article says that many Republicans think he should have already started working on the general election, rather than try to “expand the map” in states that haven’t gone Republican in nearly three decades.
“This is a candidate who won by the sheer strength of his personality and bluster instead of through a well-organized campaign effort.”
This is the view of 2012 Mitt Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams.
General Election Can Wait Until After Cleveland Convention
A reporter for NBC’s Meet The Press caught up with Donald Trump and asked him why he hadn’t started on the general election yet, where he agreed that he hadn’t, and also said he would start after the Cleveland convention, as well as adding that he could win either way .
A few weeks ago, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski talked about his strategy.
Coming from a conservative network, which is largely responsible and influential in setting up the mindset for how conservatives think about the issues, Lewandowski appears to defy the host of the program, suggesting that he was creating something out of nothing with this issue.
Republican leaders feel that uniting the party is the priority, which Donald Trump also agrees to even in the Meet The Press interview from Las Vegas. However, Trump doesn’t seem to be following that plan.
For instance, the NPR article refers to a story by Politico that details the firing of a seasoned GOP operative who was a key liaison to the Republican National Committee as his national political director Rick Wiley for apparently clashing with Lewandowski, who denies that he and Paul Manafort are also knocking heads.
Surely, Donald Trump is already known for firing people, no matter what the reasons might be;”Your Fired!” was the catch phrase on his NBC reality show The Apprenticefor years.
Despite the efforts of many, Donald Trump has not followed along with his advisers and he has seemingly decided to go his own way, putting his campaign at risk.
Clinton Didn’t Waste Time
There’s no doubt that Donald Trump’s campaign approach is unconventional in every way. Early on in the video with Trump’s campaign manager, he said that the reason he backed out of the Bernie Sanders debate was because Sanders was not the nominee. To Trump, there was no point, suggesting it would be a waste of time.
So, if Donald Trump feels that trying to flip non-Republican states isn’t a waste of time enough to hold off before he even starts to work on the general election, then he’s easily two-months behind Hillary Clinton. Clinton didn’t waste any time to get started, even before she won the nomination.
Donald Trump, seeing himself behind Hillary Clinton in polls, says he hasn’t “started yet”
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 18, 2016
Donald Trump tweeted out how he’s falling in the polls, which is certainly unexpected as he usually always used the account to bolster his achievements. But, it makes sense to tweet about the falling numbers around the same time that he emailed his supporters to say that his campaign was falling behind by $100,000.
Donald Trump does say in the NBC interview that he would put in his own money to make up the difference, but he largely agrees that his supporters need to help finance it.
[Photo by John Locher/AP Photo]