Murder In Tenerife: Teen Arrested After Decapitated Torso Of His Father Found In Suitcase

After a gruesome murder in Tenerife, the naked torso of a man was discovered, stuffed in a suitcase and floating in the ocean off a beach on the Spanish island. Reportedly the head and limbs had been hacked off and were, at that stage, missing.

Reportedly, it was when divers were performing routine cleaning work off the coast near the capital city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife – a popular travel destination for vacationers – that they made the startling and gruesome discovery. The divers immediately contacted the police about the murder in Tenerife.

When the suitcase was opened by the port police, they made the gruesome discovery of the naked male torso with its head and limbs missing, wrapped in plastic bags.

When the discovery was made, shocked vacationers were told to vacate the beach while police carried out their investigation. The nearby beach in the town of Valleseco was then closed by police as they set up a crime scene and continued their work.

Reportedly, a second suitcase was found in the area several hours later, and while Spain’s Civil Guard have not yet revealed the contents, that suitcase is likely to have contained the remainder of the man’s limbs. Both suitcases are reportedly being examined by forensic experts on the island.

In related crime news on The Inquisitr:

According to a report by the Spanish daily newspaper ABC, a 16-year-old boy, who is currently unnamed, has been arrested in connection with the incident, which happened on Tuesday, June 7. Reportedly various forensic tests carried out had led police to believe the decapitated torso was that of the boy’s 37-year-old, also unnamed father.

According to detectives, a taxi driver later told the police he had taken the young man to Valleseco from his family home. The police then searched the house, located in the island capital’s Salamanca neighborhood, where the father and son had lived. Reportedly, it was in that house that police found evidence to prove this was the crime scene and the place where the father’s body had been hacked up, allegedly by his son.

As reported by the International Business Times, soon afterward, witnesses reportedly came forward to say they had seen a young man – thought to be of South American or Moroccan origin – carrying two suitcases close to the water in Valleseco on May 30. The man had reportedly asked local residents the best place to access the water.

According to initial reports, the teenage boy and his father may have been involved in an argument prior to the alleged murder.

This latest incident brings to mind another gruesome story which occurred three years ago on the island. As reported by The Inquisitr, back in May 2011, there was another murder in Tenerife, as a homeless Bulgarian man killed a 60-year-old English woman in the island resort of Los Cristianos.

Deyan Deyanov was homeless and thought to be on drugs when he murdered Jennifer Mills-Westly while she was out shopping on the island. Deyanov reportedly first stabbed and then decapitated Mills-Westly and later told the court that “voices made him do it.”

[Photo Valleseco via Flickr by Carlos Nóbrega, cropped and resized/CC BY-NC 2.0]

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