Jesse Eisenberg is probably not allowed to talk about the spoilers on Justice League Part 1 , but he gave a very valuable hint about this Batman V Superman character, Lex Luthor.
During his interview at the panel on MCM Comic Con in London, the Zombieland star was asked if he would be returning to reprise his villain role. Though he did not give out any confirmation, his response was in a positive light.
“I’m kind of in wait. They just started filming Justice League, so I’m kind of like waiting for my crack at it. I don’t know what I’m allowed to say, because I feel like there’s probably some drone following me from DC, and if I say anything wrong I get, you know, picked off. But yeah I think so, and I love it, and I love everybody who’s in it. You know, it’s a really talented group of people.”
According to Cinemablend, there are still possibilities where Jesse Eisenberg will not be seen on the next film, Justice League Part 1 . Since these actors were signed to multiple-film contracts, the contracts could not state the specific films they would be participating in. For the majority of actor affiliations, they would be included in the entire DC or Marvel universe, but they need to wait on the casting to call them out.
If Jesse Eisenberg is truly not set for the Justice League Part 1 movie, this could be a downturn for the DC universe, especially since they have been bombarded by detractors after the film launched.

The audience had mixed reviews on the film. Some Batman fans supported the styling of the narration, claiming that the true essence of DC format is dark and serious, far from Marvel’s humorous movie format.
Though Batman V Superman reached global fame and profit, the box office hit only lasted for a couple of weeks.
Others who felt the movie was a trashy representation of the comics and animated versions even demanded that Zack Snyder should be removed from the director’s chair for the next films.
After the hailstorm of negative bashing on Warner Bros., the entire production was forced to reorganize. Still, there are no confirmation on Jesse Eisenberg’s stance on his role, Lex Luthor.
One other factor that holds the possibility of Jesse Eisenberg on the role is the failure of the first film. If the entire production is reorganizing from the top to bottom, there could also be a possibility to replace Eisenberg.
“It’s this possibility, coupled with Jesse Eisenberg’s statement that Lex Luthor’s future is up in the air, that has us wonder if any hypothetical new helmer for Justice League: Part 1 would take the opportunity to re-cast Metropolis’ criminal mastermind with another actor,” according to Cinemablend.
The Depth of Lex Luthor in Eisenberg’s Eyes
Jesse Eisenberg has been attached to this particular DC villain. It was far from the characters he played before. Most of the time, he plays the good guy and the protagonist of the film. This might be his “out-of-the-box” acting choice, but at some point, it has paid off.
Eisenberg said that after playing the role, he had more understanding on villains, especially Lex Luthor. He said that he wanted to “humanize” the character and make it relatable to the audience.
“I wanted to make these people real and relatable and interesting and engaging, not just, you know, a surface bad person. To me, the most interesting acting is when actors can bring you into that other side of the person. When you feel like you are not just seeing the kind of purpose of them for plot. That they are not just delivering a message. They’re actually showing you humanity. And that’s what I tried to do with that character. Whether or not I succeeded or failed depends on your subjective opinion on what you think of people like that. That’s my goal as an actor.”
With Lex Luthor’s participation hanging on a thread, fans would just have to wait until they release Justice League on Nov. 17, 2017.
[Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images]