MSNBC analyst Chris Matthews admitted on live TV that the New York and Washington-centric news media doesn’t represent America, particularly when it comes to individual gun ownership under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, otherwise known as the right to keep and bear arms.
Matthews conceded this point while providing commentary prior to GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s Friday speech to the National Rifle Association, an organization which gave him its endorsement.
In response to a question from Brian Williams (who has been relegated to MSNBC duties after he lost his NBC Nightly News gig for allegedly making up war stories ) about the split between what Williams described as the “mystified” media and the country’s gun culture, Chris Matthews weighed in.
“Because you’re answering your own question. Because of geography, Brian, and you know… we always assume in the big cities there’s sort of a cosmopolitan attitude that we all share. I’m sure there are quietly out there, even among our multitude of people we work with and know socially, who have different views. But there is sort of a lingua franc a, if you will, a language that is spoken in the media which is pro-choice, is anti-gun rights. It’s the usual sort of sophistication we’re used to, but it’s not representative of the country. think this still is a cowboy country in spirit, self-reliance… and they like to have that self-reliance of that gun. I don’t have that instinct, but I know it’s out there and very much a part of our history. It just is. And it’s in the Constitution, and it’s in our history. We are uniquely pro-gun as a country,…This country’s unique! Today, we will see Donald Trump point to that and probably try to grab the support of that unique attitude about guns.”
An NRA official asserted that endorsing Donald Trump for president was “one of the easiest decisions we’ve ever had to make,” the Washington Free Beacon reported , given his current views about gun rights as compared to Hillary Clinton’s gun control advocacy. “In Donald Trump we have a candidate, I would argue, that’s the most forceful Republican nominee for president in the last 100 years when it comes to not only gun ownership but the lawful use of guns for self-defense. He’s been unapologetic. He’s pointed out a very different path forward on guns than Hillary Clinton.”
Chris Matthews: ‘Media is not representative’ of U.S., especially on guns #tcot
— Matthew Balan ? (@MatthewJLB) May 23, 2016
Matthews, the fast-talking host of the political chat show Hardball on the liberal TV network got into trouble for ogling Melania Trump , the potential future First Lady, on a live mic when she accompanied her husband to the podium for his Indiana Primary victory speech in early May. “Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God, is that good. I could watch that runway show,” Matthews exclaimed.
When asked to comment about Matthews remarks, Melania Trump told DuJour magazine, “Unbelievable…I would just say, men will be men.”
“Men will be men”
— New York Post (@nypost) May 18, 2016
With a history of erratic explications, Matthews, 70, is famous for admitting that Barack Obama’s speeches gave him a thrill up his leg.
Earlier this month, in an interview with Dr. Ben Carson, Matthews seemed to equate non-white ethnicity to a handicap.
In the immediate aftermath of Chris Matthews leering at Melania Trump, various media outlets, including the Daily Mail , recalled various sexist statements that Chris Matthews has made on the air about Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, among others. In addition, during the height of the GOP presidential primary season, he dismissed candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz as “two Cuban guys.” Several years ago, he inexplicably claimed that Hitler never used chemical weapons.
Chris Matthews, a former speechwriter for President Jimmy Carter and chief of staff to House Speaker Tip O’Neill, also got into some hot water recently for his wife allegedly collecting campaign donations from Hardball guests for her run for Congress, the Washington Examiner reported . Kathleen Matthews fell short in the multi-candidate April 26 Democrat primary for the Maryland House seat, however.
[Photo by Chris Pizzello/AP]