Priyanka Chopra may be one of the most widely known actresses in the world simply for her willingness to expand her horizons in a geographical sense, as well as an artist and an actress.
Ms. Chopra says she’s willing to go anywhere for a film that speaks to her soul, whether that takes her to the United States, to South Africa, or back home to India. Now, as Chopra responds to a greater demand in Hollywood films, Priyanka talks about her expanding career and what it means to have less time for her career in the India film community.
Baywatch Actress Priyanka Chopra Talks About Her Future And Leaving Bollywood For Hollywood
Priyanka says she has no set plan for her future and she’s perfectly fine with that, because, in her eye, a creative soul shouldn’t have a plan or a destination. As an actress, Ms. Chopra loves the idea of being a free spirit, following whatever path her heart leads and taking on whichever random project interests her next. Chopra’s journey of self discovery began with her film career. Prior to that, she says her only exposure to her creative side came with her experience in her high school theater department, which, she adds, none of the students really took seriously.
“Then I learnt on the job that I can sing, I can write and I also started producing films. It was a self-discovery for me,” the Quantico actress says. “So I have never had a plan about where my career should go. The only thing I know is that when I get the opportunity, I will work 100% on it. I don’t slack. And if you consistently give your 100% to everything you’ll see the result.”
Currently, Priyanka says her path is leading her away from Bollywood for a longer period, primarily because Quantico has been renewed for a second season. Ms. Chopra says filming season 2 of Quantico will keep her in the United States for 6 more months and, after that, she’ll concentrate on film work for the rest of the year.
“I can’t do everything. And that breaks my heart,” says Priyanka Chopra. “This year, I have taken up Baywatch and I will take on another Hindi film. The next year, I may do two Hindi or English films, it all depends on what I’m offered. But as long as people want to watch me in Hindi cinema, I will be there. This is my heart and soul.”
Quantico Gives Priyanka Chopra A Chance To Bring More Diversity To American Television
Priyanka loves her role as Alex Parrish on Quantico for many reasons, but top among them is the ability to portray an Indian character who defies the stereotypes . Chopra says she’s grateful to ABC for the opportunity, because the role has exposed her as a serious actress, someone respected for her talent and not just as a number or an actress used for her skin color or nationality. Priyanka credits Quantico for taking such a great step forward and opening the door for more diversity.
Quantico isn’t just about the training of new F.B.I. recruits. The series uses time jumping and flash forward sequences to reveal that someone among Alex Parrish’s class will be responsible for the greatest terrorist attack on American soil. The method for filming Quantico has earned it a somewhat negative reputation with critics often referring to the series as “How To Get Away With Terrorism ,” as it closely resembles the set up for ABC’s other hit, How to Get Away with Murder .
For Priyanka, Quantico offers her a way to change the widely accepted stereotypes for women in law enforcement, just as much as it challenges how people of India are portrayed on American television. Chopra is also pleased that Quantico is seen in India.
“Alex is the quintessential modern-day girl today. She’s smart, she’s confident, she’s intelligent, she’s beautiful,” Ms. Chopra says of her Quantico character. “She takes everything with a pinch of salt. And she’s tremendously focused. And I love the fact that just because she’s an FBI agent, she doesn’t have to be macho about it. You know, she’s still feminine. And it celebrates femininity. So it’s the yin and yang of what a woman should be.”
The next episode of Quantico airs Sunday, April 24 on ABC.
[Image by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images]