‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Sadie Robertson Addresses Split With Blake Coward: What Does She Share About The Breakup?

Duck Dynasty fans were a bit stunned recently to hear that Sadie Robertson had split with her boyfriend, Blake Coward, after dating for about two years. The two had been fairly open about their relationship during the time they were together, but neither has said much regarding the split since the news broke. Now Sadie has posted a video to her YouTube channel addressing the breakup, at least in a sense. What did she share?

Sadie Robertson has always been quite open about her strong faith, and it is clear in the Duck Dynasty star’s video that she is relying on her faith to get through this split. Robertson posted a lengthy clip that addresses the breakup. She makes some references to all of the deep feelings involved, but Sadie never goes into specifics about why she and Blake Coward broke things off. Of course, fans would never expect her to share intimate details about where things went wrong.

The Duck Dynasty star posted the video to her YouTube channel and shared the link and a brief note via her Instagram and Twitter pages. Robertson asked that followers respect that this is a difficult time for both of them, and Sadie noted that she is opening up as a way to try to encourage her fans who are experiencing heartbreaking splits of their own.

Fans have definitely responded to Robertson’s clip. In just over 14 hours, it has already garnered about 175,000 views including around 10,000 likes. Sadie’s Instagram post about the heartfelt YouTube message has more than 72,000 likes and almost 5,000 comments, and her tweets regarding the clip have picked up a lot of support as well.

In her video, Sadie talks about how the breakup with Blake happened about a month ago. She says that it is not how they expected things to go in their relationship, and she adds that they ultimately felt it was the best thing for them to do. The Duck Dynasty star talks quite a bit about how she could have found herself “bound in bitterness,” but the day the split happened, Robertson promised herself that she would not react that way.

Robertson speaks a great deal throughout the clip about her faith and belief that God has a purpose for her and has someone chosen for her. Sadie mentions how issues over jealousy, sadness, and insecurity could be dominant for her right now, but she is choosing to move forward and think positively. The Duck Dynasty darling details that she loves and loved Blake and knows that some gal in the future will be very lucky, as he is a good guy. However, the wording seems to make it clear that Sadie initiated this breakup.

Throughout the video, Sadie speaks about how breakups are hard, and she knows that many of her fans have been through similar experiences. The Duck Dynasty starlet details that it was hard for her to put together the clip, but she wanted to do it to help others break through the difficult pieces and move forward in positive ways as well when they find themselves in similar circumstances. Toward the end of the message, Robertson takes a moment to pray over all of her fans.

News of Sadie and Blake’s split came as quite the shocker for her fans, as the breakup seemingly occurred very soon after some sweet pictures posted by the couple on social media. Folks had not had any inkling that the two were facing issues in their relationship. Rather, many had expected an engagement to come not too far down the road. As Fox News addressed some time ago, rumors had been swirling about wedding plans throughout much of the relationship. Unfortunately, it seems that things just were not meant to be for Robertson and Coward as a long-term couple.

What do you think of Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson doing this video addressing her feelings about the split with Blake Coward? Will her words of wisdom about how to handle a breakup like this inspire her followers to focus on the positive as they move through similar experiences?

[Photo by Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images]

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