Netanyahu: Iran Will Use The Bomb If They Go Nuclear
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a message for the world. If Iran develops a nuclear bomb it will not hesitate to use it. Netanyahu made it clear that that he is no way believes that Iran will act responsibly if it attains nuclear weapons capability.
Netanyahu spoke while meeting with visiting Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr. He laid out the five things that Iran would do once it became a nuclear state. The first is that Iran would cause other middle eastern countries to develop their own bombs. The second was that Iran would be able to threaten the world’s oil supply. The third was an increase in global terrorism. Fourth, he said that Israel will face the probability of increased rocket fire from Hamas and Hizbullah as they will believe they are acting under Iran’s nuclear umbrella.
The final piece of the puzzle is that Iran could actually use a nuclear weapon to advance it goals of the destruction of Israel or the West.
Netanyahu said,
“This is a regime that has broken every rule in the book. They very likely could use weapons of mass death.”
The Israeli Prime Minister explained further that Iran is being lead by a fanatical regime who believes that it is their responsibility to advance the cause of radical Islam throughout the world.
Netanyahu’s comments follow a week dominated by discussions about Iran and with Netanyahu saying that the security establishment in Israel will not make the decision to attack Iran but the political leadership, namely himself and the cabinet, will.
Those remarks followed media reports of Israel’s top security officials being opposed to an Israeli attack without US backing.