Guy Ritchie Takes Rocco On Maldives Vacation Instead Of Meeting With Madonna

Though the judge has warned Madonna and Guy Ritchie to work things out in terms of the visitation with Rocco Ritchie, Guy Ritchie is not making it a priority, and has instead left town with Rocco, and headed to the Maldives on vacation. Ritchie and Madonna are supposed to be meeting up to figure out Rocco’s schedule going forward, but for the time being, Rocco will be spending time with Guy Ritchie.

According to the Inquisitr, after the meeting with the judge in New York where Madonna filed her claim after Rocco took off from Madonna’s tour, and moved in with his father, Guy Ritchie, representatives for Madonna and Ritchie (neither party actually showed) agreed that the parties would work out something, under the threat that if Ritchie and Madonna didn’t, the judge would do it for them.

Radar Online is reporting that Guy Ritchie had a vacation planned with his children and wife, and suddenly, Madonna decided to wave her white flag and consent to a meeting. Madonna said there would be no lawyers at her meeting, and she, along with Guy Ritchie, would argue things out. But reportedly, Ritchie and son Rocco were suspicious, says a source.

“Rocco feels that she is more concerned with proving Guy wrong than with what he wants.”

The Sun said that Guy Ritchie and family are in the Maldives for the Easter vacation. But the clock is ticking on the time that the judge says is left for Madonna and Ritchie to make their own arrangements before the judge makes plans for them. The judge also is warning that the tug of war between parents is eating away at what is left of Rocco’s childhood.

“It would be a very great tragedy for Rocco if any more of his childhood was taken up by this dispute.”

But with everything going on, Guy Ritchie thought that Rocco needed a break, so off to the Maldives they went. But Madonna is still committed to bring Rocco back to New York so that she can oversee Rocco’s education.

But Radar Online says that even though Madonna seems like she wants to work with Guy Ritchie on a plan, sources are saying that she is still determined to win this custody battle.

“Madonna is really pi**ed off right now. She’s said she was hoping that the judge was going to order Rocco to come back and he did not.”

Madonna said that she was relying on the judge to take care of all this, and feels like the judicial system has let her down. So now, Madonna reportedly thinks she needs to handle things herself, and so Madonna has allegedly hired a private investigator to tail Guy Ritchie and Rocco to gain information she can use.

“The P.I.’s have already discovered that Rocco has few rules and regulations with his dad.”

Though Guy Ritchie and Rocco are arguing that a big part of Rocco’s problem with Madonna is an excess of rules, especially for a child of 15 who has never been in any real trouble. The source is saying that Madonna is “flipping out” and angry that Guy Ritchie is trying to buy Rocco’s affection.

Friends are saying that Madonna will get information that will back Guy Ritchie into a corner, and he will be forced to mediate. The source is hinting that Madonna has something on Guy Ritchie, and she expects a favorable outcome.

Do you think Madonna and Guy Ritchie will ever agree on custody for Rocco?

[Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images]

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