A woman who survived for three years by eating only KFC because an eating disorder made her too scared to eat any other type of food has now eaten fruit for the first time.
Georgie Scotney, 21, from Britain, developed Selective Eating Disorder at a young age and was too scared to eat anything but KFC chicken strips and popcorn chicken with fries, she told the Sun .
“Growing up I’d always been really stubborn with what I’d eat, it started off as just southern fried chicken and chips but it then got to the point where it’d only be chicken from KFC, I’d go there every day without fail.”
Woman ate KFC for three years because she was scared of any other food https://t.co/8GdNGk5u9U pic.twitter.com/VaOXH9wcYU
— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) March 28, 2016
People who suffer from SED are usually unable to eat anything except what they consider to be “safe” foods, sometimes even limited to specific brands, reports Metro .
“I was just never fed up with it, I loved to put loads of salt on it too, which I now see wasn’t such a good idea, I do think that it had a lot to do with me being scared of a lot of foods, especially sauce, that was the worst fear of mine.”
Now, after an hour-long hypnotherapy session her boyfriend suggested, she’s eaten fruit for the first time in her life, reports the Daily Mail .
“After the session everything changed for me instantly, I tried new foods that I wouldn’t have dreamed of even going near before, and I actually really enjoyed them.”
This woman lived off KFC and chips for THREE YEARS https://t.co/tGBiuW9uZr pic.twitter.com/U42kftWDib
— The Sun (@TheSun) March 28, 2016
Scotney says she probably developed the eating disorder during her time as an aspiring gymnast on the PSG Great Britain team, where she regularly missed meals because she was always training.
After a while, she would only eat KFC chicken and the occasional piece of toast or chocolate bar. That meant she was often forced to miss meals if she was traveling on a school trip or away from a nearby KFC restaurant.
It was a vacation in Asia with her boyfriend, Dean, that finally forced Georgie to confront her disorder and seek help. She went for a hypnotherapy session with psychologist Felix Economakis, who specializes in SED treatment, and her life changed forever.
Georgie wants to be a fitness instructor but says she always felt too hypocritical to teach people about eating healthy while she could only eat KFC.
Woman so scared of food she lived off KFC for three years, finally tries fruit for the first time https://t.co/mNLISK8NG5
— Metro (@MetroUK) March 28, 2016
Scotney’s story has a happy ending, but many people with SED are stuck in an endless cycle only eating the same foods over and over. It starts early, when young children refuse to everything but their favorite foods.
Most parents assume their children will outgrow being a picky eater, but it doesn’t always happen.
Sometimes called Adult Picky Eating, doctors only recognized SED starting in 2013 with the release of the new psychiatric reference book Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders .
KFC Double Down ??? pic.twitter.com/UIZaZX6AYf
— FoodPics (@ItsFoodPics) March 28, 2016
People who suffer from the disease are often mistaken for being anorexic or bulimic. They become experts at making it look like they were eating: moving food around on their plate, dropping food and hiding it in their napkins.
All that suffering is over for Georgie Scotney, who can now eat more than just KFC; the 21-year-old has eaten fruit for the first time and is on her way to a healthy diet.
[Photo by David Silverman /Getty Images]