President Obama Sets Campaign Spending Record, Goes Into The Red
The Obama administration has spent a record $400 million on its campaign from the beginning of 2011 through June 30, 2012.
Federal Election Commission records also revealed that President Obama has spent $70.8 more than he has raised during the current election cycle.
According to the New York Times Obama’s team hopes that by spending large amounts of money they can generate a “grassroots army” which in turn will mobilize volunteers and ultimately raise enough cash-on-hand to fund the rest of the campaign and pay back the overage already spent.
In the meantime Mitt Romney’s campaign and the RNC now has $25 million more than Obama as they prepare to head into the November election cycle.
The RNA hopes that Obama’s campaign strategy will crumble because of a massive monthly overhead the team can’t possibly sustain, especially as spending heats up heading into the next several months. Team Obama in the meantime believes last minute commercials and a final ad blitz will not sustain the RNC’s chances at a new U.S. President as much as a strong voter based earned over time.
The Statesman notes, “Despite Obama’s multimillion-dollar advertising barrage against Romney, he is now being outspent on the airwaves with Romney benefiting from a deluge of spending by super PACs and outside groups.”
In the meantime anyone subscribing to Obama newsletters probably understands the desperate plea for money thanks to a barrage of campaign finance requests sent out on a nearly daily basis.
Do you think President Obama’s spending is out of control or will the “develop a voter base over time” strategy pay off?