Disney has another huge hit on their hands with Zootopia, which has been in theaters for just two weeks now and it has already crossed $490 million at the worldwide box office . A big-name cast lends their voices to the characters, and it really is a very good movie. Making it even better, though, is that there are Easter Eggs and a lot of secrets and inside jokes hidden throughout the film. Sure, all movies have that but Zootopia has more than you could possibly imagine.
Avengers: Age of Ultron had some great Marvel Easter Eggs and other inside jokes. There were plenty in Star Wars: The Force Awakens . Still, it’s hard to believe that there are many movies out there with as many hidden little things and references as Zootopia .
Here are just some of the hidden and not-so-hidden Easter Eggs and inside jokes in Disney’s newest animated feature.
References to other Disney movies
These are absolutely everywhere. There are a ton of them for Big Hero 6 spread all throughout the film. One is in Chief Bogo’s office where there is a calendar with a picture of San Fransokyo on it. There are many more, but Disney’s Frozen is also all over the place.
Did you happen to catch the baby elephants dressed like Anna and Elsa?
Perhaps you caught Chief Bogo’s message to Judy Hopps when she was trying to live out her dream as a police officer. He had to let her know that “Life isn’t a cartoon musical where your dreams come true, so…let it go.”
Idina Menzel would be happy.
Maybe you saw the pastry shop owned by a certain villain from the Southern Isles.
Oh, and don’t forget the one and the only Duke Weaselton. Yeah, that name may be a play on the Duke of Weselton from Disney’s Frozen, and it is, but the same actor even voices both characters. Alan Tudyk does provide the voice for both Dukes just as he voiced Alistair Krei in Big Hero 6and King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph.
While on the subject of voices, Kristen Bell voiced Priscilla the sloth in the DMV. You may remember her as Anna from Disney’s Frozen .
Speaking of referencing other movies and Duke Weaselton, he did have some great bootleg Disney movies for sale.
- Pig Hero 6 – Big Hero 6
- Wrangled – Tangled
- Wreck-It Rhino – Wreck-It Ralph
- Meowana – Moana
- Giraffic – Gigantic
- Floatzen 2 – Frozen
Buzzfeed pointed out a hidden gem that not many may have noticed. When Judy Hopps goes to speak with Yax and he’s taking her outside, there is a lamp to the right of the door. It just so happens to be the Genie’s lamp from Disney’s Aladdin .
It just wouldn’t be a Disney movie if Mickey Mouse wasn’t in there somewhere, and he certainly is. At one point, Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman) is walking down the street with a stroller, and he passes by one going in the opposite direction. In the bottom of that other stroller is a familiar doll.
There are a ton of references to other TV shows and movies all throughout Zootopiaas well. Some of them are Disney and some have nothing to do with it, but they’re still a lot of fun to look for and realize.
– Two sheep that end up working for an animal version of a meth lab go by the names of Walter and Jesse. If that’s not an obvious Breaking Bad reference, then I’m not sure what is.
– The voice of Judy Hopps is Ginnifer Goodwin who also plays Snow White on Once Upon A Time . In Zootopia , a Frantic Pig comes out and yells at her about a robbery. The voice of that pig is Josh Dallas who happens to play Prince Charming on Once Upon A Time , and is also Goodwin’s real-life husband.
– Mr. Big’s home and entire world, life, and family are perfectly based on the 1972 film, The Godfather .
– Judy Hopps is the lead character who is a small-in-stature rabbit who is a female police officer. In the TV show 21 Jump Street , there was a female police officer named Judy Hoffs who was played by Holly Robinson. Zootopia co-director Byron Howard said it wasn’t intentional and is merely a “hilarious but amazing coincidence.”
– There is a character named Emmitt Otterton in the film and he goes missing. His name is an obvious reference to Jim Henson’s Christmas special called Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas from 1977.
– The flower store that is in the city of Zootopia is named “Flora and Fauna” which is a cool nod to two of the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty.
– Judy Hopps’ cell phone provider is “PB&J.”
There are many other Easter Eggs, hidden secrets, and inside jokes all throughout Disney’s Zootopia , but some bring about spoilers and some just haven’t been noticed yet. Make sure to go see the film once or four times and see how many of them you can catch.
[Image via Disney]