July 31, 2012 will go down in history as the day Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) President John Smedley made gamers cry, when he announced the Planetside 2 Beta was delayed at the last minute. MMOFPS fans everywhere had circled July 31 on their calenders weeks ago, in anticipation of finally getting to see if the new ForgelLight gaming engine was all it was cracked up to be. After Smedley broke the bad news, gaming enthusiasts groaned with disappointment and tried their best not to toss their monitor across the room.
It is highly unusual for a beta to be postponed in this manner and Smedley tried to calm shattered nerves with this statement posted on twitter: “Had planned for today or tomorrow but we have some stuff we need to make sure is awesome. The team is working like crazy but we need to polish some stuff and test it before we let in a massive # of people.”
Planetside 2 fans were already chomping at the bit to get into the action, after they were treated to one of the most incredible CGI trailers ever seen for an online game. The trailer, which made its debut July 25, 2012, at the 2012 China Digital Entertainment Expo Conference, was nothing short of stunning, as it gave gamers a Hollywood quality visualization of the action packed First Person Shooter. Although the trailer did not include any actual game play, it certainly raised the expectations for Planetside 2 to a fever pitch.
Now players will have to wait until either Friday, August 3 or Monday August 6 to try out the Planetside 2 beta. Smedley wasn’t being any more specific than that and knowing John Smedley, all the begging in the world will not get him to say more, until he is sure of the situation. SOE is probably not very happy about the delay and it is highly unlikely they will risk further disappointment to their fans. So sit back, be patient and wait. It’s only a few more days until you will be racing across Auraxis as a member of the The Terran Republic, The New Conglomerate or The Vanu Sovereignty; slaughtering your enemies as you battle for control of the Planet.