The launch of the The Division to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC will soon arrive, but fans have already begun data mining information out of the game. Perhaps of greatest interest is the discovery of the number of missions that players will need to take on in the game.
Reddit user itsgamerdoc says he spent 21 hours digging into the game’s files to discover the contents of The Division and has pulled out mission names, weapon names, and even DLC information. There is obviously spoiler content that follows, so please be careful reading ahead.
The Division has 26 missions in the game, according to the data mining efforts. Assuming most missions take approximately 30 minutes to complete for an average run through, this means the game should have around 13 hours of campaign content to play through. Though, it wouldn’t be surprising if it turns out to be around 10 hours or less.
Of course, there is still the over world of New York City to explore with its mini-missions and hidden clues as well as the Dark Zone. So, The Division should have many more than just 13 hours worth of content to play through.
The names of each of the 26 missions reveal quite a bit about the progression of the story, so it won’t be listed here. If you wish to see the mission names, you can view a screen capture shared to Gyazo by itgamerdoc here.
The Reddit user has also discovered 138 different weapons as of the time this article was posted, along with various mods. They have been shared to a Google Docs spreadsheet and are divided between weapon types. Not all stats for the weapons have been shared and it is not confirmed yet that all will be available when the game launches on Tuesday.
Some vehicles have been found as well, including waterplanes and a helicopter with mini-guns attached to it. It seems more likely these will be vehicles players will have to deal with versus ones they get to use. There has been no previous indication of any controllable vehicles in The Division .
Two DLC mission names have also been revealed. One is called “The Drones” while the other is “Kill the Tank.” It’s possible that either of these two could be part of the first free update to The Division that is scheduled for April.
As previously covered by The Inqusitr , the free April update adds the end-game activity called “Incursions.” This comes across as a Destiny -style squad focused event against high-level opponents. A tank in the real-world setting of The Division could be considered somewhat high-level.
The first free update also adds a loot trading system to the game. There are some restrictions, though. Players will only be able to trade loot within their squad during a co-op game session. This implies that loot earned from play inside the Dark Zone will not be tradable.
The Division ‘s second free update arrives in May and brings another Incursion with it. This time, players will explore New York’s Columbus Circle.
The three paid expansions will kick off in June. “Underground” comes first and takes place in New York City’s maze of tunnels and subways, as the name suggests. “Survival” is a different spin on gameplay, by challenging players to survive as long as possible by scavenging when it is released this summer. Finally, “Last Stand” will be out during the winter, and there is little detail beyond that.
These dates are for the Xbox One, however, since the console has a one-month timed-exclusivity arrangement for The Division . PlayStation 4 and PC players will have to push their timeline back a bit.
The Division has received a day one patch. Ubisoft has the full details of patch 1.01 available to view on the game’s official forums . It does include various visual improvements to the title along with new tutorials that can be turned on and off. Numerous fixes were made as well based on feedback from the open beta. Most notably, the Deployable Turret will no longer target non-rogue players in the Dark Zone, and it will not accidentally damage neutral players as well.
[Image via The Division ]