Iconic gangsta rapper and actor Ice-T has come out in support of second amendment rights in the wake of the Aurora, Colorado shooting that took place over the weekend. He says the government should not put together legislation restricting gun sales as the “United States is based on guns.”
Speaking on London’s Channel 4,Ice basically summed it up by saying that a person intent on killing people doesn’t need a gun to do it. People have been making the “guns don’t kill people, people do” argument for years.
Ice-T said,
“if somebody wants to kill people, they don’t need a gun to do it. You can strap explosives on your body. They do that all the time.” he then went on to quote rapper KRS-One saying, “Like KRS said, you’re never going to have justice on stolen land,”
In a statement that would make the NRA proud, Ice-T said that he would be happy to turn in his gun if everyone else did also.
Ice-T’s comments came in reposes to the recent arrest of James Homes for a shooting in which twelve people were killed and 59 injured at a midnight screening of the new Batman saga, The Dark Knight Rises.
Many Hollywood celebrities like Jason Alexander and Andy Richter have used the tragedy to make a plea for expanded governmental intervention into the firearms market.
Holmes is alleged to have thrown smoke bombs into the theater in order to create a panic. He supposedly then began shooting people at will.