Donald Trump campaign security kicked a man out of an Oklahoma City rally who wore a shirt with a message “KKK endorses Donald Trump,” The Independent reports.
Former KKK grand wizard on Donald Trump: “on the crucial issues, he’s right”
— Media Matters (@mmfa) February 27, 2016
The man’s shirt was white and the message looked like it was handwritten. There were chants from the crowd as the KKK shirt wearer was booted out of the rally.
According to The Daily Mail, Trump paused his remarks and stared the man down before he was removed from the rally.
“In the good old days law enforcement acted a lot quicker than this. A lot quicker,” the top contender for the Republican presidential nomination said. “In the good old days they’d rip him out of that seat so fast, but today everyone’s politically correct.”
The slogan on the man’s T-shirt is partially correct, though. Donald Trump has received support from on of the KKK’s former grand wizards, David White , the New York Daily News reports.
“Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point, is really treason to your heritage,” the former KKK leader said on his radio show.
“I’m not saying I endorse everything about Trump. In fact, I haven’t formally endorsed him. But I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action. I hope he does everything we hope he will do.”
David Duke also called on his listeners to get more involved in politics, specifically the Donald Trump presidential campaign.
“And I am telling you that it is your job now to get active. Get off your duff. Get off your rear end that’s getting fatter and fatter for many of you everyday on your chairs,” Duke said “When this show’s over, go out, call the Republican Party, but call Donald Trump’s headquarters, volunteer.”
But, according to the New York Daily News, civil right groups have since called on Donald Trump to deny any ties to the notorious white nationalist group.
“It is time for him [Trump] to come out firmly against these bigoted views and the people that espouse them,” Anti-Defamation League National Chair Marvin Nathan and Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said via a written statement.
The former KKK grand wizard started complimenting Trump last year on his radio program calling the real estate mogul a, “good salesman.”
“I praise the fact that he’s come out on the immigration issue. I’m beginning to get the idea that he’s a good salesman. That he’s an entrepreneur and he has a good sense of what people want to hear, what they want to buy,” Duke said. “He has really said some incredibly great things recently. So whatever his motivation, I don’t give a damn. I really like the fact that he’s speaking out on this greatest immediate threat to the American people.
Members of the Ku Klux Klan also appeared at the Republican caucus in Nevada dressed in long robes and pointy white caps, The Independent reports.
Good god. Two protestors in full KKK garb at Cimarron High in Las Vegas for #NVcaucus . Tipster pic:
— Jon Humbert (@jonhumbert) February 24, 2016
Krystal Heath, of KVXLRadio, a Christian radio station in Nevada, tweeted a photo of two people dressed as KKK members at the caucus carrying banners with the Donald Trump slogan, “We can make America great again.” According to The Independent , Heath claimed that the Trump volunteers asked rally goers to ignore the KKK supporters .
#Trump supporters dressed as KKK outside #NVCaucus location.
— Krystal Heath (@TheFriddle) February 24, 2016
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center , the number of KKK groups in the U.S. has increased. In 1990, there were approximately 30 active branches of the KKK. That number has since increased to 90.
[Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images]