Suicide Note is a captivating new movie thriller that is set to air in two days on the Lifetime Channel. Lifetime Television has been consistent in airing the most riveting whodunits and true crime thrillers. Suicide Note , which is directed and written by Jake Helgren tells the story of Molly — a college student whose roommate has committed suicide by jumping from a building. But, Molly’s dreams about her friend’s death leads her to believe that there is more to the story. Suicide Note , aka The Suicide Note , stars Kirby Bliss Blanton as Molly White, Brant Daugherty as Brady Faris, Lexi Giovagnoli as Irene Keating, Stephen Colletti as Adam Bowen, and Gabrielle Carteris as Professor Majors, according to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB).
Suicide Note ( The Suicide Note ) Lifetime Movie Plot
Filmed in South Carolina, Lifetime’s Suicide Note centers around Molly White, a college student with goals who is ready to take her life in a new direction. The psychology major has just been accepted into a prestigious university of her choice. So far, life seems to be going great as she moves in and bonds with her new roommate.
Molly quickly learns that college life is not all fun and games as she prepares to pass a series of entry exams for the grad program. When she is finally accepted, Molly knows she’s on her way to success and decides to celebrate the accomplishment with her boyfriend Brady. However, Emma’s relationship with her boyfriend, Adam, isn’t doing so well as evidenced by a huge fight that she has with him in front of Molly.
Though, it appears that Emma’s boyfriend is a little intense, Molly chalks up the fight as a normal argument between lovers. But, when she finds out the next day that Emma killed herself by jumping from a roof, she believes the suicide note and her death are very suspicious. Distraught and puzzled over Emma’s death, it isn’t long before Molly starts to have dreams about it, which causes her to think that someone may have actually pushed Emma. Will Molly uncover the truth? Or will Molly’s death force her to face her own psychological demons?
It doesn’t appear that Suicide Note is based on any true story. But the plot regarding a student falling or jumping to their death isn’t entirely far fetched. Take a glimpse at some of the cases below.
Some Similar True Stories
In 1947, a beautiful woman named Evelyn McHale jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in New York. When her body was found, she had landed on the roof of a limousine. She was so elegantly dressed that the media dubbed her death “the most beautiful suicide.” Evelyn McHale left a detailed suicide note nearby, according to Rare Historical Photos .
In 2015, a Seattle Central College student named Hamza Warsame died after falling from a 6-story building in Capitol Hill. His death led to speculation that someone had actually pushed him due to his black Muslim beliefs, according to the L.A. Times .
Madison Holleran , 19, jumped from a roof to her death while she was attending the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. Her death was attributed to the stress of college life, as the star athlete tried to maintain perfect grades. She also left a suicide note behind.
In 1997, the movie Dying To Belong , which was based on two true stories, dramatized the death of a college student who jumped from a rooftop to her death. In the movie, the speculation was that her death was actually a murder, instead of a suicide.
Lifetime’s Suicide Note is produced by G It’s Entertainment with Ralph McCloud, Stephanie Slack, Elizabeth Snoderly, and Fernando Szew executive producing the TV film. You can watch this new feature this Saturday, February 27, at 8 p.m.
[Image via The Suicide Note / Facebook ]