Tom Welling, CW and Smallville’s coming-of-age superman, has been relatively quiet since the comic book television renaissance his show helped give birth The Flash, Arrow , Legends of Tomorrow, and likely the current and future crop of comic book television to sprout up in recent months. Welling spoke with a sense of pride that his flagship CW comic book show was the beginning, according to Comicbook.
“You know, the success of Smallville is directly correlated to The Flash or Arrow – that genre that Warner Bros has been able to do. I do feel proud that it started with us, but it wasn’t just because of us. I think technology and timing – we were suddenly able to do things in television that were, until then, only available in film because of how expensive they were. So we were lucky to be able to have that timing.”

The Smallville star spoke warmly and praised the team that brought the comic book adaptation to life, and also the fact that some of the team that worked on CW’ s Superman show are still working with the like of The Flash and Arrow .
“A lot of the people who worked on Smallville , it’s a lot of the same crew on Supernatural , The Flash , Arrow . Glen Winter is now the god that we all knew he was, and it all started with Smallville . He’s a genius, and he’s earned everything that he has. He’s so creative, and such a great guy. Glen Winter is somebody who hasn’t been singled out yet by anyone, but if you look at what he did on Smallville and then Flash and Arrow , he’s the throughline.”
Many Smallville and Supergirl fans have been calling for Tom Welling to return as Superman for the CBS show, so it comes with some irony that Welling see Supergirl as completely different, as far as the DC Comics properties go.
“It’s got a different angle, a more comedic angle, of course. It’s telling the story in a different way, and I don’t think it’s a world that I ever existed in with Clark because they’re two different shows. There’s really nothing in common, there are no parallels at all. I say that being a fan of what they’re doing. I think they’re doing a great job.”
Tom Welling wasn’t the only one who has been working DC Comics properties to comment on The Flash recently.
The last two episodes of The Flash had Team Flash journeying through Earth-2, after they closed all the other breaches. In former episode, Vibe aka Cisco Ramon , met his Earth-2 doppelganger who was known as Reverb . Cisco was given a glimpse at the kind of abilities he was capable of as the metahuman Vibe, and according to The Flash executive produce Tony Helbing, this will change the direction of the entire character.
“I feel like once you’re exposed to something that’s possible — it’s like the first time Tony Hawk did a 720 on the skateboard, everyone could do it. Now that Cisco has seen the magnitude of what his powers are capable of, everything’s possible in his mind.”
Though Cisco’s Earth-2 doppelganger Reverb was murdered by Zoom, Helbing indicated that it might not be the last time we see evil Earth-2 Cisco, as he stated that “It’s The Flash , so they might show up again in one form or another.” At the end of the last episode of The Flash, Barry, Wells, and Cisco had rescued Wells’ daughter and returned back through the remaining breach.
However, Killer Frost was left helping them escape, and the remaining breach to Earth-2 was closed. However, Helbing explained that The Flash fans have not seen the last of Killer Frost or Earth-2, as he stated that they will “learn her fate” and “we have not seen the last of Earth-2.”
[Image Via CC BY-SA 2.0 Wikimedia Commons| Courtesy Of Kristen Dos Santos|Cropped and Resized]