Ben Higgins is currently in the middle of the 2016 season of The Bachelor , and everyone is wondering who he will end picking. Spoilers are already out and have detailed what happens in each episode, and you can even check out the rest of the rose ceremony eliminations . Still, anything is possible to happen, and you never know what it could be, but you’ll also never guess who he spent his Valentine’s Day with this year.
No, it wasn’t Lauren Bushnell . No, it wasn’t JoJo Fletcher. It was actually a lot of different names you’ve most likely near heard before.
As reported by Us Magazine , Ben Higgins headed over to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Friday, Feb. 12, and he did it to spread some love, cheer, and roses. Yes, he headed out over to the hospital to visit the children and he had heart-shaped balloons, gift bags, and more that brought plenty of smiles to a lot that needed them.
Higgins didn’t really care to get press for it, but it was something he truly wanted to do.
“I wanted to stop by because there’s a lot of kids here who aren’t gonna be able to celebrate with their classrooms at school or necessarily some with their families. Obviously love is something that’s very prevalent in my life right now, so I wanted to share a little bit of love with the kids here.”
Now, he did bring a lot of joy and happiness and gits to so many of the kids, but there were others in the hospitals as well. Not only were some parents happy to see him, but some of the staff at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles also had to watch themselves.
It should be no surprise that Ben Higgins’ charm and good looks got the better of those he was visiting at the hospital. One nurse got a bit overwhelmed to the point where she had to fan herself and even saw her heart rate jump up to 113 beats-per-minute.
The nurses are no stranger to The Bachelor and they absolutely love the show. Still, they may actually love Higgins a bit more than what happens each week on Monday nights said one nurse.
“All us nurses get together on Monday nights and we watch The Bachelor. My heart is racing a lot. He’s so cute and he’s tall and he’s so nice. He just spent, like, 10 or 15 minutes with my patient, just talking to her. It was awesome.”
In all, Ben Higgins had more than 21,000 Valentine’s Day cards printed up and brought to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Staff and volunteers got together to pass them all out to patients throughout the entire hospital.
Tonight, Episode 7 of the 2016 season of The Bachelor airs and it will shock a lot of people as one of the early favorites is going to be sent home. Still, there is plenty more to come and next week in Episode 8 , it’s down to the final four.
Yes, the results for The Bachelor are already done and out there and Ben Higgins may not necessarily be in the middle of stressful times, but he still could have done other things for his Valentine’s Day weekend. No, he decided to do something great and kind for so many that really appreciated it and enjoyed it.
All of the spoilers out there for this season of The Bachelor are being read and inspected by so many fans of the show to see who Ben Higgins will pick and marry. Meanwhile, he’s using his time to bring roses and love on Valentine’s Day to those at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles that are so very deserving.
[Photo by Rainmaker Photo/MediaPunch/IPX]